N i n e

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For the rest of the day Lance let Lotor catch up on the sleep he desperately needed and told anyone that came to the door that the prince was working with no distractions. He's gotten a few insults and one or two shoves to the ground for being a slave but no one disturbed the prince.

Lance groaned annoyed when another knock came to the door and he opened the large door slowly and quietly.

"I'm sorry but the prince wants no distractions, I can give him messages," Lance said tiredly up at two soldiers.

"We're not here for the prince," Lance yelled when he was grabbed by the wrist and the door was now wide open.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Lance gasped when a soldier held his arms behind him but let go of one for the second soldier to grab lances wrist holding it out.

He paled into almost a ghost while when he saw a short branding iron as it could morph into different shapes. It was red hot metal and Lance could feel the heat growing closer and closer to the soft flesh of his wrist while his palm faced the ceiling.

"Stop! No wait! Wait fucking wait!" Lance began to scream in terror trying to pull away but the grip of the strong galra was to tight.

"Please! I didn't do anything! Stop!" Lance begged with screams but a hand covered his mouth as tears where at the corner of his eyes.

"Shut it slave, unless you want to disturb the prince," the soldier hissed behind him in lances ear and Lance whimpered while watching the burning iron.

He screamed through the hands as the iron was placed on his wrist and was held there for seconds that felt like hours as the metal burned into his tan smooth skin and the smell of burning flesh scented the air. His flesh.

Tears raced down his face as they wiggled the iron a little to make sure all of the words where on his wrist and finally pulled away and let go of Lance but he fell to the ground anyways.

"Heh humans are so funny with their pain tolerance," the soldier spat looking down at Lance who was shaking while clamping his hand over his wounded wrist.

"What the hell is going on out here? I said no disturbances!" Lotor snarled walking out of his room and saw Lance shaking on the ground with two soldiers and the branding metal.

"Oh u-um prince Lotor, we finished branding all slaves and prisoners just about," a soldier gulped.

"Who gave you permission to do so?" Lotor grabbed his neck and pulled him close as he heard Lance sob quietly.

"Druid Hagar! She said you approved due to the escaping prisoners recently," the other soldier defended.

"I gave no such order!" Lotor roared.

"Get out of my damn sight and do not continue this!" He shoved the soldier back aggressively and he gasped hitting the ground.

"Get," he snarled and the two soldiers quickly got out of the princes range. Once Lotor knew they where gone he knelt down to Lance and inspected the little of the wound he couldn't see due to Lance holding his wrist in pain.

"Let me see," he said gently and Lance shook his head as his hands shook.

"Blue let me help, it'll get infected," Lotor sighed not touching him. Lance looked at him with tears running down his fearful face but whimpered when he let go of his wrist to show him.

It was third degree burns pressed down into his skin knowing the wound would be scarring tissue.

"Come on, let's get you back inside," Lotor mumbled lifting Lance up but his body shook and collapsed again in painful sobs.

"Sorry to do this but you leave me no choice," Lotor sighed and lifted Lance into a bridal style and walked back into his room with the human slave.

Lance could hear his heartbeat as his eyes where closed tightly trying to stop his tears of pain while he held his wrist close to his chest. But he somehow relaxed of the touch of another, carried by strong arms, protecting almost. Safe.

"Stay here, I'll get my medical supplies," he was laid in Lotors bed and could smell the scent of the prince in his bed. Jasmine and lavender...

He pushed himself up shaking with pain and fear of being in a galra bed but cried out grabbing his wrist.

"Don't move your wrist, the wound may be already infected if those savages didn't disinfect the iron from others," Lotor knelt in front of Lance and gently took the humans arm to face his palm up to see the wound better.

"My sister? Did they hurt her too?" Lances voice scratchy and rough.

"I can contact Ezor for the news, hopefully not," Lotor grabbed a bottle of disinfecting alcohol.

"This will hurt," Lotor told him. "I'll work quick,"

Lance weakly nodded and soon felt a cold liquid cover his wound and his whole arm felt like it was on fire. He screamed but covered his own mouth quickly closing his eyes trying not to move while Lotor wrapped his wrist quickly with a white cloth.

"I'm finished," Lotor let go softly and Lance hit the bed a few times weakly in pain as he growled rather than scream again.

"W-why does everyone keep hurting me?" Lance wiped his eyes trying to get rid of the tears.

"Soldiers and guards, other prisoners, everyone wants to hurt me," he almost started to cry again but the tear that slid down his face was wiped away by a purple thumb.

"I do not," Lotor told him softly with his smooth accent.

"Why?" Lances voice shook.

"Because there is no point, what do you do to deserve a slap or shove? You've done nothing to deserve it," Lotor stood up and Lance hugged his chest tightly as Lotor walked away with hooded eyes looking down.

"You should rest, I'll go check on your sister," Lotor said with a calm look as Lance watched him.

"Thanks I guess... Sir..."

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