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Lance sat by a open window showing the stars as he was thinking deeply about everything, anything, him...

But who was him? Who was the man that was on his mind all the time, the prince who show him mercy and something he doesn't show to others, or a soldier who promises him a life, a free life, that makes him feel something. They both did.

But... Ones going to die...

"It's late, you okay?" A calm voice asked and Lance felt a figure sit next to him.

"Oh hey," Lance looked at Keith watching his skin fade into a human look.

"Did you... Where you part of the fleet that attacked the refuge?" Lance asked and Keith looked at him confused.

"No, well... Yes," Keith looked at the ground. "But I never fought, I flew my ship and never shot,"

"How bad was it?" Lance held his hands in his lap tightly.

"God Lance, it was... Monsterous, I've never seen something so horrible," Keith ran a hand through his hair.

"They where like me," he whispered. "Hybrids,"

"Hey, it's okay, Lotor said he moved the survivors to the blade of Marmora," Lance explained and Keiths head snapped up.

"The Marmora?" He gulped. "I-I work with them, my mother was a blade, that's where I got this,"

Keith pulled out a hidden knife showing Lance. Lance held it in awe at its beauty and glanced at Keith thinking the same, something so sharp and powerful is amazing and beautiful in its own way.

"What?" Keith looked at him and Lance sputtered a little with red covering his skin.

"Did I say that out loud?!" He almost yelled covering his mouth.

"You where mumbling, mostly gibberish," Keith said confused with a raised eyebrow and innocent indigo eyes.

"Mind clarifying for me McClain?" He smirked quickly at him and Lance leaning forward with a devious grin.

"If I didn't know any better kogane, I'd say your flirting with me," Lance hummed.

"Get your facts straightened out you idiot," Keith turned red and put his hand over lances face, pushing him away.

"Come on I thought we where having fun Keith," Lance cackled leaning on his knees.

"Fuck you," Keith rolled his eyes at him scooting away.

"You need me though," he sang leaning on Keiths shoulder with a shit eating grin.

"Get off," Keith groaned pushing at Lance but felt dead weight on him when Lance slugged his arms around Keith.

"Never!" He laughed and Keith growled as he was stuck under Lance with a flat look. Very unamused.

"You know I'm stronger than you,"

"But I'm taller,"

"Height just means your a douche," Keith shoved him off and Lance snorted.

"And being shorter means your closer to hell," he pushed Keith with his foot.

"Uh huh, and your not?" Keith smirked back.

They laughed softly together and relaxed again sitting next to another watching the stars while they enjoyed each other's company but both had light blush on their cheeks and a little grin.

"This is nice, almost feels like everything's okay," Lance sighed happily resting his chin on his knees.

"How much longer do I have?" Lance looked at Keith sitting back up.

"You still have a while don't worry, but you know nothing's going to be the same after," Keith looked back at him.

"Nothing's ever going to be the same in general, earths gone so not like I can go back to my family," the blue eyed boy looked down and Keith grabbed his hand softly making Lance look back up.

"Your not alone Lance, when this is done, you get to come back with me and well... Hopefully you'll like everyone," Keith blushed darker letting go of his hand quickly and looked away.

"Thanks Keith, means a lot," Lance smiled pulling his lips up one way as he looked st Keith. He really isn't that bad.

"I better go before someone notices," Lance stood up after a while longer enjoying the silence.

"I'm basically a location for you," he waved his wrist with the cuffs a little and Keith nodded but stayed seated.

"Take care Lance, I'll be around," Keith smiled and Lance nodded walking away back to Lotors room hoping he didn't notice lances absence before his early morning shower.

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