S e v e n t e e n

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"Lance I heard what happened!" Keith ran to the human with worry in his eyes. Lance spun around almost hitting Keith with a stack of papers but he ducked in time.

"Don't run in and start yelling oh dios, you gave me a heart attack," Lance shoved his shoulder a little but relaxed.

"Sorry, geez, are you okay?" Keith asked and Lance shrugged but nodded.

"I haven't really checked the damage yet, I know there's a scar but it doesn't hurt," Lance sat on the desk running a hand through his hair but frowned noticing it got longer.

"What?" Keith saw his facial expression.

"I'm growing a mullet..."

They looked at each other and Keith glared at him annoyed with his galra ears folding down.

"Fucking hilarious,"

Lance covered his mouth and let a small giggle out but it carrier onto laughter at Keith who looked at him confused but felt his face heat up at the smile upon him.

"Y-your ears, they actually are like a cats," Lance laughed and Keith snorted a little looking at Lance.

"Shut up idiot," he pushed his arm playfully and Lance giggled a little more knowing he was right.

"Don't you have to go be a soldier or something?" Lance teased leaning forward closer to Keith.

"They won't notice one of a million soldiers missing," Keith rolled his yellow eyes.

"That's what you are Keith kogane, one in a million, I'd notice if you'd be missing," Lance chuckled softly and keith blushed more with wide eyes.

"It's nice to have some company once in a while that's not galra," Lance smiled gently by his smile dropped in horror.

"N-not that being galra is bad! I mean your a good guy and not even full galra! Like I don't mind that your part alien I mean some galra are fairly attractive and not ugly like that one asshole who was going to try selling me- you know what I'm going to shut up now," Lance zipped his lips quickly and Keith now was the one laughing.

"What I'm not ugly with the mullet and all?" Keith smirked.

"No the mullets a defiant turn off," Lance stuck his tongue out.

"Maybe I should cut my hair then," Keith snorted.

"Then how am I going to be able to tell its you?!" Lance gasped dramatically.

"Hey you think we'll get caught? Like Lotor might come back soon or now," Keith looked back at the doors.

"Nope, he's on a mission or something, won't be back till tomorrow," Lance smirked back at him readjusting on the table.

"And he trusts you here? Alone?" Keith raised an eye brow.

"I can't really go anywhere," he raised his wrist with the cuffs.

"Well I guess I'll have to stay to make sure nothing bad happens to you again," Keith hummed and Lance laughed softly.

"An ugly galra? With me? I couldn't imagine," Lance placed the back of his hand on his forehead pushing Keith away.

"Hey you said I wasn't ugly!" Keith defended.

"You still have a mullet,"

"So do you!"

"Take it back!"


"I can't believe your making me cut your hair," Keith said flatly as Lance sat in Lotors bathroom on a chair with a towel around his shoulders.

"I am not scooping down your mullet level," Lance crossed his legs and straightened his back.

"Don't make me give you a bowl cut,"

Lance turned around quickly spitting Spanish threats at him with a finger pointed at the Korean-galra man who backed away with wide eyes and hands up.

"Jesus fucking Christ okay no bowl cut you crazy Latino!" Keith cried out.

"Keith buddy, all Latinos are crazy, it's the puta Latinas that are psychopaths," Lance warned.

"By the way yelling at me in Spanish won't do anything, I literally know nothing in Spanish, not even hello," Keith grabbed scissors and forced Lance to face his back to him.

"It's hola dumb dumb," Lance rolled his eyes.

"And puta means... Good friend," Lance smirked deviously and Keith shrugged nodding.

"That's why your calling me puta?" He asked and Lance snorted into his hand.

"Yep," he sputtered a laugh only to be smacked across the back of the head.

"Knock it off or I'm not doing it," Keith crossed his arms.

"Okay okay puta I'm sorry," Lance snickered and sat still for Keith to cut his hair.

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