T h i r t y - s i x

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"Hey Lotor," Ezor smiled as he walked into his room and saw all his generals as well as Lance who was doing his work at a desk but was backwards on his chair looking at them all.

"Is there a reason you all..." "Prince Lotor we need to discuss the future of the empire," Acxa spoke up and Lotor dreaded of this conversation since he told his generals.

"Nice move on the commander, I wish you told me to do it instead though," Zethrid smiled at him as Lance looked at Lotor with worried eyes.

"But what did she do wrong? She didn't do anything," Lance bit his lip nervously for speaking out of term.

"It's complicated Lance," Ezor told him before Lotor could speak. "Sorry,"

"So what about the empire?" Lotor placed his hands behind his back raising an eye brow.

"Who's going to lead? Zarkons going to be dead soon if you don't do something," Zethrid crossed her arms.

"I will, but I hope by then... Somethings change," Lotor looked at them and Lance raised an eye brow confused.

"It's to late to have a hire to the throne so that's out of the question," Ezor flopped on the bed with her arms spread.

"I want all of you to compete in the Kral Zera, as a team," Lotor looked at them and everyone looked at him in shock.

"But there can only be one and we're not qualified-" "I've thought about this Acxa," Lotor nodded.

"The empire does not need one bias opinion such as zarkon, I believe all of you are able to be strong for this empire if you put your different minds together and know what is best, and come down to the right decision," he smiled at them confidently.

"But... That's only plan B right? I mean if the tides do change then you stay as emperor," Ezor sat up quickly.

"That is correct but I fear it may come sooner than we all thin-" Lotor cut himself as he covered his mouth in harsh coughed but held the handful of petals, crushing the and dropping the blue petals immediately.

"As I was saying-" he began coughing again harshly as he held his stomach and wheezed for a breath falling to one knee as he couldn't catch his breathe and petals flew out of his mouth.

"Plan B might be what we need to do Ezor," Zethrid whispered as Acxa and Lance where at Lotors side as he inhaled sharply and coughed harder as he threw up petals on the floor.

"Please not yet," Lance whispered with fear in his eyes.

"I-I'm fine," Lotor wiped his mouth in disgust and glared at the pile of petals in front of him.

"You shouldn't have lied to Hagar," Acxa mumbled.

"And let her kill the one that she believe is the cause of the empires treason, that will die with me before she can know," Lotor growled angrily and Lance looked at him sadly.

"And you will never speak of whom is the cause either, swear on it," Lotor stood as he had a calm yet frustrated face.

"I swear on it sir, we all do," she placed her fist on her heart nodding.

"Wait the disease was caused by someone? I thought it was like some airborne sickness," Lance cried out confused.

"You-" "it's not important, will you continue with that option when the time comes?" Lotor looked at the four. Narti nodded.

"Of course sir," Axca bowed to him.

"Always," Ezor smiled sadly.

"I'll enjoy the luxury," Zethrid chuckled.

"In honor of you," Acxa smiled gently as Lotor placed a hand on her shoulder.

"That will put me at rest my friend," he smiled.

"How much longer do you have?" Lance gulped.

"Not as much as we thought I have, only weeks now than a month," Lotor sighed crossing his arms, tucking his hands.

"And my promise still stands Lance," he nodded.

"Lotor Lotor!" Chloe ran in and everyone looked at her as she tugged on his pants with wide eyes.

"Yes miss Chloe?" He knelt to her.

"I need your help! It's scary and important!" She cried with pleading eyes. Lotor looked at Lance who was standing straight with wide worried eyes.

"Show me," he let her take his large hand to be led by the child. They exited the room and Chloe stopped immediately.

"Please tell me your your not dying!" She spun to him with her wavy hair bouncing.

"Miss Chloe you said-" "you said you'd always protect me and Lance, you said you'll always love him!" She had tears in her eyes.

"Is that why your dying? Did Lance hurt you?" She had a few tears escape.

"Do not blame your brother miss Chloe, he has never hurt me," Lotor smiled gently kneeling to her again.

"Why can you keep living, my other big brothers are gone, I don't want you to leave too," she hugged him crying softly.

"Somethings are just not meant to be, your so strong I'm sure you'll be the one protecting your brother," Lotor pursed his lips as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"No I don't wanna, you where the first nice person to me and lancey, I don't want you to die," she looked at him pouting.

"That makes two of us little one," he smiled gently.

"Does Lance know you love him?"

Lotor looked at her with wide eyes and looked down.

"I heard you last night, your suppose to be his prince in shining armor like in Snow White or rapunzel," Chloe sniffled.

"I'm not a good guy Chloe, I'm just the villain that looses while your heroes are known forever," he sighed with a kind smile.

"I'll remember you Lotor, because your not a bad guy, your my hero," she hugged him again.

"Right after Lance," she smiled.


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