E l e v e n

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Keith walked down the halls at the tempo he mastered the guards and soldiers  walked at but gasped when he felt someone grab him and yanked him to the side and grabbed his knife quickly and grabbed who ever was attacking him and slammed him against the wall harshly.

"Lance?" Keith recognized.

"Why do you have a knife?!" Lance whisper yelled.

"Why are you scaring me like that?" Keith let go and put his knife away.

"I scared you?" Lance smirked teasingly.


"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Lance hushed obnoxiously putting his hand over Keiths mouth. The galra pushed him off with a grunt as they stood there together.

"Was that necessary?" Keith glared.


"So what did you want anyways? I'm guessing you didn't grab me and shush me for no reason?" Keith crossed his arms and glanced behind him making sure no one was around.

"Nope that was it," Lance smiled.

"I'm leaving," "-wait no I'm kidding," Lance grabbed his shoulder pulling him back before Keith could leave.

"Do we have a legit plan?" Lance asked softly and more quieter.

"For zarkon and Lotor? I was going to get you later when it's more clear but nows a good time," Keith rolled his eyes and grabbed a communicator some his boot.

"Contact my team then we all can talk about the plan," Keith nodded at him as Lance looked at the white and blue communicator.

"Allura you there?" Keith held up the device and a hologram came up with a light blue screen.

"Keith? Oh thank the stars, it's been a while since you contacted us," a female voice with a accent replied and a woman with dark flawless skin and white hair popped up as Lance saw pink markings on her face and light blue eyes like an earth sky.

"Lance is here too, Lance this is Allura," Keith showed and Lance smirked a little at her.

"Hello~" he winked and Allura looked unamused.

"Anyways..." Keith frowned. "Lance agreed to help with the plan... We just need a plan rather then free styling it,"

"I agree, Lance... For now just make Lotor more vulnerable, weaker, at least for you, then you can strike him when the time is right, he won't expect it from you then," she smiled confidently and Lance slowly nodded.

"Isn't that kinda... Fucked up? This is like a bad rewrite of mean girls," Lance rubbed the back of his head and neither of the aliens got it.

"Backstabbing," he clarified.

"You don't understand, Lotor has hurt millions of planets and manipulated some to becoming slaves, do you think he deserves mercy?" Allura seemed offended.

"Lance... Remember what he did to earth and humans," Keith looked at him sadly with a hand on his shoulder.

"Your right, alright I'll do my best," Lance nodded and Allura looked at him with a relaxed smile.

"I trust what Keith has told me, I know I can count on you," she sighed and Lance smiled back.

"I got it Allura, no worries,"

Keith ended the call and Lance smiled at him with worry in his eyes.

"I'm worrying, I'm so fucking worrying!" Lance grabbed his shoulders with wide eyes shaking Keith slightly.

"What if I fuck up? Or Lotor doesn't fall for it? What if he figures it all out and kills me!? What would happen to Chloe?" Lance ranted fearfully and anxious.

"Lotor hasn't hurt you yet right?" Keith asked him carefully and Lance nodded with a small gulp.

"Use that, I know you can do it," Keith squeezed his arm comfortingly and Lance nodded.

"I'll come find you here and there just to check in, go before someone notices," he smiled pushing Lance away playfully and Lance smiled back at him and walked down the halls rethinking the decision he made.

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