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"These will keep you in the ship but if you leave without permission it'll give you a shock," a alien woman told Lance and Chloe as they had silver cuffs with a glowing purple ring around it.

"You will inform prince Lotor as sir, sire, my prince, or prince Lotor," she said with no emotion and clasped the second cuff on lances wrist as Chloe shook at her wrist uncomfortable with the cuffs.

"But while the prince is away you two will be his servants such as house maids, you will do whatever prince Lotor desires if he wishes for help, you will not speak unless spoken too," she glared up at Lance and he nodded.

"Is something on my face?" Lance raised an eye brow as she continued to glare at him.

"Probably all this sexiness," he winked and she scoffed walking away.

"I don't see why prince Lotor would bother rescuing such small and helpless humans, you just die," she put up her long blue hair that was all cornrows in a pony tail and had minty green skin with purple eyes that had slits for pupils.

"Everyone dies," Lance glared back.

"No, your life expansion is pathetically small and you break like glass, alteans where stronger than your kind," she snapped and Lance frowned confused.


"Extinct species that started this war with the galra," she explained walking out.

"Hey wait!" Chloe spoke up and the girl looked back unamused.

"What's your name?" She asked with large blue eyes, holding lances hand and pressed her knuckles against her lips nervously.

"Juzula," it made the fellow slave smile softly at the little girl while walking out.

"Now what?" Chloe looked at her brother.

"Abuela's coming," he smirked and Chloe let out a fearful scream running away and started cleaning papers off the ground around a desk.

Lance smirked successfully and went to the bed as he took off all the sheets and blankets, throwing the pillows on the ground. Lance remembered it was the princes bed and remembered how prince Lotor had a sword on his hip. He lifted the soft mattress and saw a small blade at the edge. He got on his knees and saw a gun on the box of the bed as well.

"This guys prepared..." Lance mumbled to himself and glanced back seeing Chloe putting the papers on the desk. He sighed and began making the bed neatly but heard Chloe yawn as he finished.

"Tired?" Lance smiled at her and she nodded.

"I want to go home, this isn't fun," Chloe rubbed her eyes.

"I know but Chloe, I don't know if we can go home," he knelt before her and she gave him a confused look.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I-I... I don't know if we have a home Chloe, and right now we're slaves, we have to do whatever they say or they'll hurt us," Lance hated what he had to tell his sister. She was young, suppose to be finger painting or learning how to ride her bike.

"But I want to go home, I don't like it here!" She started to cry and Lance hugged her tightly.

"I know Estrella, me too," he let her cry as he picked her up and continued to work as she fell asleep hanging onto lances neck with tear stains on her tan freckled cheeks. Lance carried her with one arm as her head was rested on his shoulder as his free hand was able finish cleaning the princes quarter.

He heard the door open and turned around seeing the prince of he galra empire walk in with strong strides. Lotor looked at the human slaves and saw Chloe sleeping soundlessly.

"She is a child isn't she?" Lotor raised an eye brow and Lance nodded slowly.

"You may put her on the bed to rest," Lotor nodded at him. Lance didn't move.

"I won't be sleeping any time soon, I have work to do, and I never caught your name... Blue eyes," Lotor walked to his desk and sat down in the chair as Lance laid Chloe on the bed as she yawned curling against the large pillows.

"I never gave you it," Lance glared a little as his heart raced. He had no idea who this guy was or what even galra where barely.

"Then shall I call you blue eyes then? Or how about blue?" Lotor didn't look back.

"Well excuse me sire if I'm not the most warming welcome at the moment," Lance crossed his arms. Lotor stood again turning to Lance as a smirk played on his lips.

"If I where my father I'd have you executed, tortured, given to the Druids," Lotor walked toward him and Lance gasped backing away.

"But I'm not my father, then again, you still disrespect me, blue," he narrowed his eyes down at Lance.

"So you better watch your tongue or those who follow me would beat you till your begging for your life, even some of my servants would punish you for it, but if my generals found out, you would be kissing my boots blue," Lotor frowned and lances breath got caught in his throat looking at the galra prince.

"I have my reasons sir," Lance whispered with anger yet fear.

"Your people took over my home world, killed my family, I don't even know what happened to earth, took a child as a prisoner, I've been hit for any little thing I've done, I'm sick of hearing my sister cry because she's afraid when she should be living her child hood and not in fucking slavery!" Lance snapped back at him pursing his lips and Lotor seemed unfazed.

"Your sister, she is important to you," Lotor nodded walking away with his hands behind his back. He didn't need Lance to answer.

"Why do you think I made you both my servants rather than slaves, much less prisoners," he replied calmly as Lance watched.

"Face it blue, I basically saved you and your sisters life,"

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