F o u r t e e n

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"What the quiznex are you wearing?" A girl who was some sort of alien species gasped when Lance entered a room Lotor told him he could get new clothes.

"I swear to god these galra can't pick out any better clothes, I mean? Purple everything? Get a life!" She pulled lances short purple rag of a shirt over his head and he yelped in surprise as the girl stormed away ranting.

"Are you luvat?" Lance gulped with wide eyes and she chucked the shirt away with a full arm swing. She turned to him with her bright solid blue eyes covering her whole eyes, she had a thick canary yellow stripe going from her hairline to her nose as her skin was a slightly darker yellow. She had hair that was like Nyma's but was tied back into a high pony tail and a chunk of her hair was hanging in her face like bangs.

"Yea and your a human, we done? I have to get you out of those horrid clothes then we'll talk babes," the girl grabbed his wrist and threw Lance in a changing room as she ran through some clothes to the side and shoved them in his arms.

"Change and I'll make sure you don't look like you used the balmera for inspiration to wear that,"  she glared with her bold blue eyes and slammed the door close as lances eyes where wide with confusion.

"What just happened?"


Lance walked out of the room with a dark blue, almost a galaxy purple tunic tight around his torso and chest with black sleeves and a hole in the shoulders and a white hood on the back. He had black pants with black boots as well with a brown belt. He looked down at the tunic seeing an orange symbol he recognized as Lotors.

"Um is this better?" Lance look at his clothes and the alien girl walked back.

"Yes, now let's talk civil," luvat smiled satisfied with a hand on her hip making a circling motion with her finger for Lance to do a twirl.

"So what am I even suppose to do? Lotor said something about being an assistant?" Lance spun slowly for her to examine his outfit.

"Prince Lotor already spoke with me, he wanted me to give this to you," she handed him a small device and Lance picked it up confused.

"Loop it around your ear, it's a translator," luvat explained sweetly and Lance did so but nothing happened.

"For reading and our translators sometimes don't work and not everyone's works," she told him and Lance nodded.

"Plus now others can understand your language," she winked and Lance bit his lip as his fingers outlined the shape of the devise.

"Nifty," he smirked at her.

"Alright her is all you need, pretty self explanatory, Lotor will tell you the rest, just wait outside of the room down the halls on the right," luvat looked at him seriously.

"And just be carful, same rules as being a slave because it's just safer than speaking out," she said gently and Lance nodded.

"Thank you," Lance smiled a little as he was handed a folder and a hologram sheet as it was in galra but he could understand it due to the translator.

"It's a map, see you around human," luvat winked.

"Just call me Lance," he breathed a laugh.

"Nah, I like calling you human, I don't get to do that to much around here," she smirked back as Lance walked out and the door was shut in his face.

Lance thought of what she said and frowned a little at the ground at her words.

I don't get to do that to much around here.

Did she mean because of... Of humans?

"Lancey!" He heard the sound of home behind him. Chloe.

He turned around and was tackled in a hug but stood up with Chloe in arms and laughed a little as she hugged him around the neck.

"I missed you!" She squealed.

"I miss you too babes, how's it with Ezor?" Lance kissed her cheek and blew a little to make her laugh.

"She's fun, kinda like misty!" She giggled when Lance set her down and he paused for a moment. His oldest sister... He knew Chloe won't replace her, maybe this is he way of coping.

"Lance are you okay?" She asked and he shook his head with a sputtered laugh trying not to think of it to much.

"I'm fine Estrella, I'm glad your doing better, it's going to be like this for while okay?" He knelt down and she tilted her head to the side.

"What do you mean?" She asked and Lance smiled kissing her head and hugged her close but heard the doors open behind him where he was suppose to go.

"It means that this isn't our life forever," he whispered as she stood there in the embrace and commanders and generals passed them with glares and comments but Lance didn't care.

"You look much better Lance," they heard behind them and Chloe smiled waving.

"Thank you sir," Lance stood turning to Lotor and the prince placed his finger on the side of lances jaw to tilt his head to the side.

"I see you got my gift," Lotor looked at the translator.

"Y-yea, thank you for it, I hope I'm now more of use," Lance held Chloe's hand as she stood behind him.

"I'm sure you won't disappoint me, good evening miss Chloe," Lotor got on a knee and bowed to the little girl who giggled at the prince and Lance smiled at the two.

"Shall we find Ezor, she'll be safer with my general," Lotor whispered in lances ear making his face heat up and his heart race faster.

"Yea I guess," he looked at Chloe remembering his mission. He is going this for Chloe. He couldn't get side tracked but weakening Lotor is all he had to do, easy.

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