T h i r t y - o n e

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"Lancey!" Chloe ran up to her brother in a hug as he and Lotor walked into ezors quarters while the other generals companied them.

"Hey Estrella, miss me?" He chuckled picking her up and kissed her head softly.

"I made new friends!" She motioned to the other women.

"Oh... How nice?" He smiled awkwardly as there was a cat in the room.

"Where did the cat come from..." Lance blinked confused but was cut off from his thoughts when Lotor spoke.

"Acxa, Narti, I must speak with you," Lotor said calmly looking at the two. The cat jumped onto the lizard galra hybrids shoulder while the other woman stood up as well. Lance stared at her curiously as he saw similar face resemblance not so much the color as Axca had no pink like Gena.

Lance glanced behind him as Lotor stood outside the door looking at them softly as he spoke.

"Acxa, Narti are you aware of the disease hanahaki?" He asked them quietly.


"It's very common for alteans when they do not find a soul mate or their true love, a slow killing disease," he stated anyways as Kova licked her paw.

"Prince Lotor where are you going with this? Alteans haven't been seen in thousands of-" "my mother was altean,"


"Sir..." She whispered looking back at the others. At Lance.

"I don't want the surgery, the galra will find out more and I would never have that, the surgery itself is deadly, but I refuse to kill Lance, I couldn't," Lotor looked at the two women seriously as Narti listened, it wasn't shown but she was anxious.

"Prince Lotor are you saying your going to die?" Acxa asked quietly.

"I accepted it, the disease is not far but I have started symptoms, petals, but it will grow worst in time," Lotor sighed crossing his arms.

"What are you going to do?" Acxa asked dreading.

"Fight as long as I can, I still have my people I must lead but when my time comes..." Lotor looked at the ground.

"The empire will be in chaos sir, we will have no leader unless zarkon rises again," she gulped. Narti nodded.

"I want my father dead before I go, a blade through his throat," Lotor glared.

"Narti, can you do that?" He smirked at her making Kova purr and Narti's tail swooshed behind her showing excitement. She agreed.

"You must prepare for the galra to have a leader my lord, we-" "trust me Acxa, I will not die until I am at peace with my work, so we must make hast and hurry, I have at least a phoeb until my final breath," Lotor held up a hand silencing his general.

"I want my fathers death to be untraceable, I don't care how you kill him, do not let them know it is you or I," he looked at Narti and she nodded.

"But the next ruler-" "I know, I am planning on allying myself with Voltron, the war will end soon," he coughed and the two woman watched petal fall to the ground. Kova jumped down and ate them.

"Sir..." Acxa whispered.

"What about Ezor and Zethrid?" She closed her eyes.

"I will tell them of the plan, but that means they will find out my health state, I hope for the best," Lotor touched her arm softly in comfort.

Narti took out a knife and shined it to Lotor and Acxa as Kova rested on her shoulders again.

"I do not wish to contact the blade, not for them to help the empire after my death," Lotor scoffed.

"Why not? They helped us when the galra attacked our home," Acxa narrowed her eyes.

"They believe in knowledge or death, they do not care for individuals, they lost high commanders easily to leaving them behind," he said harshly as Acxa nodded. They lost many friends who went to the blade to help with the war.

"We're with you sir, we will help as much as possible," she nodded.

"That's all I can ask for my friend," he looked at her. "I'm sorry it's come to this,"

"Everything okay sir?" Lance walked up to them confused as Zethrid and Ezor where playing with Chloe still.

"I'm fine, thank you Lance," Lotor smiled gently back at him. He covered his mouth as he let out a heavy cough and turned away from them quickly as his heart raced while he coughed harder.

"Let's get you back to your room sir, your not getting better since the trip," Lance said gently reaching to touch his arm but Lotor took a step back.

"No I will be fine, I promise," he put his hands up as his ears moved down a little nervously.

"Take a break sir, we can handle it today, you should rest," Acxa cut in and Narti nodded.

"Acxa, I am not asking for your permission on whether my state is able to continue my job," Lotor glared.

"If you want to last longer then you should try taking care of yourself sir," she whispered worriedly.

"I'm not asking you as your general, I'm telling you as an old friend,"

Lotor let out a sigh and nodded. He had no idea how much time he had left, it would be started when he actually loved Lance. Who knows when that was. But even if he had just started or it's been a while, he has less than a phoeb to live, even then he will get weaker.

"I suppose your right," he turned and walked away but Lance followed with his hands behind his back.

Neither said anything as Lance was worried for the prince knowing he hasn't felt the same since the home land vacation. Maybe it had a galra illness going around?

Lotor grunted taking off his chest plate and dropped it to the ground as he set his sword on the bed. He didn't bother with the rest of his armor and laid in bed as he coughed harshly into his hand as he began to wheeze.

"You feeling okay?" Lance sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be fine over a night of rest," Lotor pulled his hand away before Lance could touch it.

"Any idea what it might be?" Lance asked worriedly.

"A fever passing by," he lied.

"Any way I could help?"

Love me back... Let me take care of you...

"You should go back to your sister," Lotor rolled over closing his eyes.

Lances hand hovered over Lotors shoulder but he never made contact. Instead he sighed and stood up picking up Lotors armor and sword.

"Of course sir,"

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