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Lance jumped turning around and saw a galra soldier. Keith.

"Oh just you," Lance breather running a hand through his short dirty hair as Keith turned human seeing Lance was nervous.

"What happened to your wrist?" Keith walked over quickly and Lance felt heat spread through his chest when he touched his skin.

"Lance did you.." Keith trailed off seeing the bandage around the skin.

"U-uh no, I just got burned..." Lance pulled back awkwardly.

"On your wrist?" Keith raised an eye brow.

"It was soldiers... I'm fine now," Lance smiled looking down at him. It was nice seeing another human again, even if he wasn't full human.

"Those assholes,"

"I know right," it made Lance snort.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Keith asked now quietly and lances eyes widen.

"More than anything,"

"Good, I need someone on the inside, we're taking down the galra for sure, not another attempt," Keith sat Lance on the bed looking at each other.

"Another?" Lance asked confused.

"We tried killing zarkon, hagars bringing him back I heard," he explained and Lance nodded slowly. He heard of zarkon, the emperor, he knew zarkon was bad news.

"What do you need me to do?" Lance asked glancing at his wrist. He was tired of being hurt. Chloe didn't deserve this.

"My teams going to attack again one day, that's when humans will be liberated, you need to get us info and if you can... Lotor will be a problem," Keith bit his lip.

"You want me to kill him?" Lance paled as his heart skipped a beat.

"You don't have to but if it comes to that... We will end zarkon but Lotor is strong and smart," Keith sighed looking away.

"How long do we have?" Lance asked seriously.

"Few months still,"

"I'll do it, two lives for humans freedom and the universe to stop suffering, I'll do it," Lance nodded as Keith smiled.

"I... I'll bring you back with me, Shiro, Pidge, hunk, Allura, you can comeback with us," Keith told him.

"Hunk?" Lance covered his mouth.

"You know him?"

"Dude that's my best friend!" Lance beamed brightly with hope and excitement. "I thought he died,"

"Probably cause he's a paladin too, but he's alive and well, cool guy too," Keith smirked.

"So are you for real? Your in?" He raised an eye brow at the Cuban as his indigo eyes stared at ocean blues.

"I'm in," Lance smirked back deviously but they heard the door starting to open and Keith immediately put on his helmet and turned purple.

Lotor walked through the door as Chloe was chatting loudly but happily next to him but they saw a guard at the edge of the room while Lance was sleeping on the bed.

"Who assigned you?" Lotor looked at the guard.

"Druid Hagar sir," Keith said flatly and they saw Chloe jump on Lance who bolted up in surprise but laughed seeing Chloe.

"Hey there you bug," Lance spun her around happily and kissed her cheek but blew a raspberry to make her squeal.

"Your excused," Lotor waved him off and Keith left looking back at Lance who happily held his baby sister.

"Lancey look," she pointed to his wrist where the white bandage was but held up her wrist showing she had a bandage as well wrapped.

"We're matching!" She beamed and Lance looked at Lotor with a murderous gaze.

"Ezor was tending her when I walked in... And two dead soldiers..."

"She killed them?" Lances eyes widen.

"Yes, she was not happy when I walked in," Lotor rubbed his neck at the memory when he entered the quarter and saw a knife thrown at him.

"She drew a heart on mine," Chloe showed.

"Are you okay now?" Lance asked her and she nodded smiling.

"Lo Lo was really nice before too, he said that I can stay with ezzie and its like I'm not even a servant, she helps me a lot," Chloe chatter and Lotor went back to his paper work and Lance looked at him remembering the conversation before with Keith.

"I'll do it, two lives for humans freedom and the universe to stop suffering, I'll do it,"

For Chloe.... He'd do it for the little family he has left.

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