T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Lotor walked into a different ship as his generals awaited him and Acxa put her fist over her chest in respect as Lotor passed her and sat in his chair.

"Are you okay Lotor?" Ezor noticed how off the prince was.

"I'm fine Ezor, return to your station," Lotor coughed trying to calm his blushing face down.

"Was it Lance?" She hummed smirking and Lotors face heated up again instantly.

"Oh my stars! It is! You totally have a crush on him," Ezor pointed at him accusingly with a grin and Lotor glared as Zethrid snickered behind her.

"A crush? On a servant?" Lotor said unamused not daring to say his name.

"I heard the soldiers have been calling him your harem," Zethrid raised an eye brow at him. "A personal harem,"

Lotors eyes flew open is anger standing up immediately with his face twisted into a snarl and deadly raging eyes.

"False rumors will not be tolerated on my ship! That human is not a harem and not a slave!" He roared making all the girls jump except Narti who remained calm.

"Anyone dares saying ofherwise I give you all full permission to beat them till they're crippled, those who lie are the ones that are weak," he stepped a foot forward for a stomp and they all nodded.

"Sorry I brought it up, geez," Zethrid mumbled and Lotor sat down and rubbed his face irritated.

"Did something happen with Lance?" Ezor squeaked peaking behind Zethrid.

"Do you really want to know?" Lotor asked flatly and the two girls nodded curious.

"A sick soldier decided to take the rumor as a opportunity to do anything to blue such as use him as a harem, luckily I heard him screaming before anything could happen," Lotor snarled darkly as Axca looked away sadly and Ezor and Zethrid had guilt in their eyes.

"And the soldier?" Ezor whispered.

"My blade through his heart,"

"I'm going to take a lucky guess that this is the worst time to tell you guys that since the slaves weren't completely labeled that they're kind of..." Zethrid trailed off as her ears drooped with wide eyes looking away from Ezor and Lotor.

"What are they doing to the slaves Zethrid?" Lotor stood again with a stern glare.

"Tagging them,"

"What?" Lotor hissed and Ezor now glared.

"I was going to tell you but then you seemed royally pissed about the whole harem thing so..." She trailed off but Ezor was already out the door as well as Lotor as he slammed the door behind him.

"Bad move?" She looked at Narti and Acxa.

"Yes Zethrid, that was a very bad move," Acxa sighed rubbing her forehead as Narti nodded.


Lotor ran to his bed room and saw the door slightly parted rather than fully closed like usual. He barged in and heard Lance from the bathroom.

"Lance? I came as soon as I heard," Lotor flung open the door and saw Chloe and Lance. Chloe was in tears as Lance held a small knife while their left ear both where bleeding.

Chloe was sitting on the counter as she was crying in pain wanting to hold her ear to caress the pain but Lance gently brought her hand back down and cooed her to calm down softly.

"Chloe you have to keep still okay?" Lance whispered to her as Lotor saw a bright purple tag around her ear like the cattle when he goes down to markets. It was sickening.

"Ow ow owey!" Chloe yelled and Lance moved her hair out of the way as more tears escaped.

"It's going to be quick okay Estrella? Shh baby it's okay," Lance kissed her forehead and Lotor watched with wide eyes as Lance kept talking to her and Chloe closed her eyes as Lance tilted her head to the side for Lance to raised the knife and slid it under the plastic. In a quick motion he sliced the plastic off and it fell onto the counter making Chloe cry harder. But it was over.

"See all better," Lance pressed a cold cloth over the wound and stroked her hair softly.

"What the fuck Lotor?" Lance glared at the prince darkly as Lotor saw a tag pierced in lances cartilage of his ear and dried blood stuck to his skin.

"First branding! Now tagging?! We're not fucking animals! I get that we are slaves but why do your kind have the need to keep labeling us as fucking animals!" Lance yelled angrily poking Lotors chest aggressively.

"They put a fucking needle in my baby sister and shoved a plastic tag in a piercing!" He screamed red in the face and Lotor stayed calm.

"Lance-" "get away from me!" Lance shoved him away before Lotor could touch him.

"You can beat me, assault me, brand me, bring me to look at death in the face, but if anything happens to my God damn sister again, your the one to blame," Lance snarled darkly looking up at Lotor.

Lotor wasn't afraid of Lance, not at all, but he was shocked at the darkness and hatred in his blue eyes that fascinated Lotor so much. It was truly a new side he's seen Lance, he didn't want Lance to hate him though.

"I apologize for this, I wasn't told until only moments ago, I cam as soon as Zethrid told me," Lotor looked down at him with a calm look.

"For the third time? Seems like it's the same excuse everytime," Lance crossed his arms and walked back to Chloe as he gently started to wipe away her blood dripping from her cartilage.

"It hurts," Chloe sniffled wiping under her nose.

"Sé bebé, mantente firme pequeña estrella," Lance looked at the hole in her ear.

"Hey you always wanted a pretty piercing?" Lance smiled at her and she looked at him with teary eyes.

"Like a flower?" She whimpered. Lance looked at Lotor and he nodded. Lotor walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a box and handed it to Lance.

"It's ezors, she and Narti made them," he explained and Lance opened the box to see earrings of all sorts, studs, hoops, diamonds, plain metal, shapes.

"That ones like a daisy, mamas favorite flower," Chloe picked out a flower that was such a light grey it was almost white with the middle a light purple instead of a yellow.

"It's very lovely miss Chloe," Lotor nodded and Chloe smiled at him but gave it to Lance to put in the piercing hole. Lance carefully slid it in her ear and Chloe squirmed as she whined but Lance put a cap on the back.

"My Estrella is now a Flor," Lance kissed her head and held her close as he glared at Lotor.

"Your not forgiven," Lance whispered as he covered Chloe's ear a little as she laid against her brother.

Lotor nodded with a tired expression and turned around as he let the mcclains be in the bathroom.

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