F i f t e e n

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"Hey Lance, how you been?" Keith walked up to Lance in the halls as he was looking through the hologram screen and jumped a little at the touch.

"Keith? Hey man," he instantly brightened up turning off the device.

"I heard you got promoted," Keith smiled softly as they walked and Lance held the papers at his side.

"Sort of, more like small freedom of walking," Lance rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you still a slave then?" He asked quietly and Lance shook his head.

"Trust me this is way better though, I'm just not stuck in a room and I get to visit my sister more," Lance explained and the galra nodded with a sad smile.

Suddenly the whole ship shook and Lance yelled in surprise as he caught his footing under him.

"It's an attack, you need to get out of here Lance," Keith helped him and the human looked at him worriedly.

"Where the hell am I suppose to go?" Lance looked back at the flashing red lights as alarms went off.

"I-I," Keith looked back seeing soldiers pouring to the ships. "I'll come find you after, I promise,"

"O-okay," Lance backed up to go find somewhere safe and Keith held his wrist tightly not wanting to let go.

"I think I know a place you'll be okay," Keith told him with wide eyes and Lance nodded frantically and they ran down the halls together.

They turned a corner sharply but they both yelled when a large metal door cut between the two as Lance was stuck in the room and Keith was in the hall.

"Keith?!" Lance yelled.

"Lance!" He pounded on the door.

"Keith let me out!" Lance cried with panic and Keith grabbed his gun shooting at the controls to open the door.

"What's going on soldier?" Lotor walked over confused as he was going to head to his fighter.

"U-um one of the slaves, um your assistant is trapped in, the ships going on lock down," Keith told the prince.

"Blue? Blue what do you see?" Lotor called and Lance looked behind him.

"U-um the crystal that runs the ship I think, Ezor was telling me about it," Lance told him with a nervous tone.

"I'll handle it, you get to the battle," Lotor told Keith with a stern look and twirled his sword and shoved it in the small space between the door and wall.

"Yes sir," Keith saluted but hesitated on leaving Lance back.

"Lance listen to me, do you see any vents? Windows?" Lotor asked and Lance looked around but gasped when the ship was hit by another blast.

"Th-there's a vent, but it's to small," Lance gulped. "And a window yea,"

"I'm going to get you out blue, don't worry," Lotor tried saying calmly but he was ready to fight and break the door down.

Lance went to the window to see what was happening. He watched ships attack other ships but he knew who it was immediately.
The rebels.
Shots where blasted at another but it almost seemed the galra where over powering. So many of the fleet that attacked the rebels.
His breath hitched as he saw a galra ship get blasted as it went down in flames.

"Mijo de puta..." Lance breathed backing away as the same ship was hit again but was now forced to fall in a different direction. His direction.

"S-sir..." Lance got back to the door hitting it slightly harder and faster after second passed again while the ship got closer.

"Sir!" Lance raised his voice and saw the sword start to move the door while Lotor growled trying to open the door.

"Lance can you get through?!" Lotor called as there was more space.

"I can't!" He cried and gasped looking back seeing the ship.


Lotor grunted when the impact of the explosion from the ship finally hit and pushed him back and he hit his head against the floor while skidding back.

"Lance!" He sat up immediately and bolted to the door seeing smoke floating through the crack of the door. He shoved the door more for him to squeeze through and forced it open another foot. He ran into the room and coughed when the smoke hit his lungs.

"Lance?!" He looked around the thick smoke but saw Lance near the door.

He ran to the human and lifted lances upper body and checked his pulse. Lotor looked back seeing the fighter impaled into the side of his ship.

"Stay with me Lance," he whispered and picked him up making Lance groan as his head laid against his chest with his limbs limp in Lotors arms.

Lotor ran to the medical wing even though it was empty due to the attack but laid Lance down on a table seeing burns on his back from the explosion. He went to a dark purple pod and started it up to heal the slave behind him.

"Mmm..." He turned around seeing Lance trying to open his eyes but whimpered in pain as tears streaks slid down from his eyes to his hair line and ears.

"Blue your okay, do you know where you are?" Lotor was by his side and Lance looked at him with fear and shook his head.

"Do you know who I am Lance?" He place his hand on the side of his face to gently make Lance look at him. Lance nodded.

"I'm putting you in a healing pod okay, you'll be okay from there," Lotor told him and Lance grabbed his hand as his own trembled but soon the human fell unconscious.

"You idiot, why did you have to say my name like that?" Lotor closed his eyes as his heart beated faster.

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