T h i r t y - f i v e

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"Prince Lotor,"

Lotor turned around and saw Hagar awaiting him as her eyes poured into his but he glared at the witch he despised.

"Rumor has you are dying," she stated and Lotor glared harder.

"Rumors are false Hagar," he walked toward her.

"You did not attend a meeting yesterday," she glared back. "You where ill?"

"I was busy," Lotor lied.

"That harem you took in has been a bother to you, you have not taken your position seriously in the galra empire while your father, a true galra leader, is on his death bed," she snarled.

"I am your emperor until he is capable! Until them you will not question me witch, I may have his blood in my veins but I will be more superior than he could dream of," Lotor snarled back in her face but her face remained calm.

"You are altean prince Lotor, you show more weakness than a true galra is," Hagar looked up at him.

"My bloodlines have nothing to do with this, I earned my throne as I was the one who was challenged and won by all battles," Lotor stood back from the Druid.

"Except hananki, this will be the battle you loose and die too," she glared back. Lotors eyes widen as she held a single petal between her index and middle fingers.

"I know all prince Lotor, do not lie to me," she hissed.

"It is a mere passing illness," he waved her off.

"The flower grows inside you, will destroy you from the inside such as you are doing to your empire," Hagar lit the petal in a purple flame.

"That is non of your business of my state of health, as long as I can be your prince then I shall be your prince," Lotor growled darkly.

"Until you take your last breath," Hagar smiled cruelly at him.

"Tell me prince Lotor, whom is the murderer of your health, a general?" Hagar circled him. "One of your half breeds?"

"My generals have nothing to do with this," he spat.

"A survivor of your refuge planet? A lover left behind unknowing of your death?" She smiled as Lotor glared.

"A prisoner?" Lotor stared at the ground.

"A slave?" She chuckled seeing Lotor staying silent.

"Tell me prince Lotor, whom is it that has your heart and is willing to crush it between the stems of the flower?"

"What will happen to this love you suppose I have? It could be the love for my people, to my empire," Lotor looked ahead calmly not moving.

"That's not how the disease works, it's for an individual," she spat.

"... It's a commander,"

"I see," she smiled darkly.

"What will happen to her if I speak of the name?" Lotor raised an eye brow.

"For the sake of the empire, she will be trialed for treason, due to almost killing you my prince," Hagar nodded. "Now a name?"

Lotor looked at her and sighed softly under his breath in defeat.

"Commander Harno," he whispered.

"In sector H9X?" Hagar questioned.

"She will deny our love... But please just do it fast, I must continue my work for the empire," Lotor bowed his head down.

"Vrepit Sa my lord," Hagar bowed and Lotor walked away with a sad face but once he was out of the room a pure smile of cruel victory crawled onto his lips and cracked his neck putting his hands behind his back.

A lie is not a lie unless it's bought. But that would be hagars own fault for being oblivious to fake words.

Not that he's complaining.


"Commander Harno," Hagar walked into a control room as soldiers where being her.

The commander was tall with a fit body, her eyes where yellow as she had dark purple lips and her long dark purple and black hair was was braided into a high pony tail. A beautiful galra woman.

"Hagar," she nodded.

"You have been sentenced to death due to treason of the empire," she smirked as the commander paled in horror.

"Treason?! For what!" She yelled angrily.

"In attempt of killing prince Lotor," Hagar glared.

"Prince Lotor?" She whispered. "I have not done anything of the sort to our emperor!"

"Yet he has the chance of death as long as you shall live," Hagar snarled.

"I would never try to hurt him! I am loyal to the empire," she begged kneeling on a knee.

"I'm sure you are, but his love for you and your love for him will not be tolerated," Hagar charged her hand in black energy and it attacked the woman as she screamed in agonizing pain while Lotor watched behind Hagar until her screams died down and her breaths soon ended.

"It is done prince Lotor," Hagar bowed to him.

"It pains me for my love to be gone... I only wish she is in a better place and I will see her again," Lotor sighed.

"But, I must not grieve as the empire still thrives to win a war," he stated calmly as he walked away smirking that it was such a pathetic lie that he can protect the one he truly loves.

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