T w e n t y - o n e

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Lance walked along the library as he collected the books he was given by Lotor of he asked of. Lotor was at a meeting so Lance took his time to find the novels the prince asked for.

"What are quintessents?" Lance picked out the book and read the first page with the translator forming a glowing purple screen shaping a small rectangle over one eye to read the pages.

Lance felt a hand grab his shoulder and aggressively turned him around only to meet a pair of yellow eyes.

"What do you think your doing slave?" It was a soldier gripping his arm tightly.

"I-I'm collecting books for our prince," Lance stuttered not liking how this conversation started out.

"Is that so? Just the princes assistant?"  The soldier snarled down at Lance making him flinch.

"Y-yes sir," Lance kept his head down with wide eyes.

"Yea right you harem," Lance yelped as he was shoved against the book case and bounced back dropping the books he already had.

"I'm not a harem," Lance glared up at him annoyed.

"No? Is that why you spend your days in the princes room? Harem," he was shoved again and Lance gasped as a few books fell behind him.

"I'm not a harem, excuse me the prince awaits his studies," Lance knelt down to pick up his books but the soldier kicked them away.

"I know the prince favors few but that's only if they prove worthy to him, and for a harem I wonder what's his favorite with you?" Lance stood back up tapping the side of his translator to turn it back to normal.

"I'm leaving," Lance glared walking away but was turned around again and felt the back of the soldiers hand smack across his face making Lance fall to the floor.

"Dirty harem, you forgot your rules, don't speak unless spoken too," he grabbed Lance by the collar and dragged him out of the library from the Druids who glanced at them.

"Stop fuck stop!" Lance repeatedly hit the soldier but his strength was no where near destructive to him.

"Get off!" He screamed but felt a hand almost as big as his face, cover his mouth and Lance screamed trying to get any sort of help.

"You know slut, humans are much more interesting than they let on," he pressed again Lance making him gasped in horror feeling defenseless and weak as he rather be anywhere else.

Tears pricked his eyes as he shook his head at the soldier feeling his other hand reach to his chest. The soldiers claw easily ripped lances top and brought his claw down to the middle of lances chest and drew a little blood as lances tears rolled down his face feeling his bare skin exposed.

"Mmtop!" Lance cried staring at the soldier with fear and tears blurred his vision but stiffened feeling the soldier tighten his grip around his mouth and could practically break his whole jaw now.

His hand banged softly against the wall as he sobbed closing his eyes feeling the other hand tickle under his ripped shirt and to his belt making Lance shake. He hasn't been this scared since he was branded...

But suddenly the world stopped when the grip around Lance loosened and his eyes snapped open seeing a sword through the soldiers chest while glowing pink or maybe purple blood oozed down the soldier as he fell when the sword was taken out smoothly.

Lance gasped for air and saw Lotor before him as Lance sobbed looking at the prince as if he was God himself. Lotor didn't see it coming but in a blink of an eye Lance was around him in a tight embrace.

Lance wrapped his arms around Lotor as tears ran down his face, one after another. He said nothing but clung onto Lotor as his breath hitched into another weak sob. Lotor stood there frozen as his bloody sword was in his hand still but he dropped it as he slowly held Lance in the embrace seeing how petrified the human was.

They said nothing as Lotor heard lances cries quiet down eventually and slowly brought his hand up to run his hand through lances hair as he's seen Lance done to his sister many times in a kind gesture.

"Did he hurt you?" Lotor finally asked after what seemed like forever.

"Yea," Lance sniffled and Lotor held him tighter but enough that Lance could feel safe.

"Let's get out of here," Lotor looked back but picked Lance up under his knees and around his back. Lance looked down seeing his nice shirt ripped to his torso and had small blood dripping down his chest and his belt was half way undone. He covered his mouth and leaned against Lotor as a few more tears slid down his face.

"You can rest Lance, no one will hurt you when I'm around," Lotor promised in his ear and Lance couldn't help but believe him because he sounded so confident, like he really meant it.

Lance obeyed after a few seconds as his eyes soon became heavier and heavier and heard a soft thump under Lotors armor and Lance knew it was his heart. It was a calm pace as Lance relaxed in his arms and soon felt safe enough to sleep as he was exhausted from not sleeping the night before.

"Ezor nows not the time..." Lance heard just before he soon fell asleep in Lotors arms.

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