T h i r t y - e i g h t

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Lance walked down the halls as paranoia swarmed his mind making his way to the princes room. He heard frantic footsteps behind him and spun seeing Ezor and Narti sprinting towards Lance.

His eyes widen as a gasp escaped his lips only for them to pass him quickly and Ezor looked back at him, skidding to a stop.

"What's going on?" He ran to her as his heart beat nervously.

"It's Lotor," she whispered. Ezor spun on her heals and began racing back down the halls grabbing Narti's wrist dragging the fellow general.

"What... Lotor?" Lance breathed and began to jog into a sprint making his way to Lotors room. The door was already widely open and he ran in seeing Acxa trying to help up Lotor as he was on his hands and knees coughing and hacking petals. Lance heard his wheeze as if he barely could breathe.

"You need to get to the bed," Acxa told him sternly yet worried filled her voice.

"Hagar will find out of my lie! I must-" Lotor fell back to the ground as Ezor rubbed his back gently and his hand gripped acxa's hand unintentionally.

"My time is not yet, it can't," Lotor breathed heavily with his eyes closed tightly.

"What can Hagar do that your disease isn't doing?" Zethrid looked at him as Lotor let Acxa help him up. It pained them all to see their strong Prince falling apart, to weak to stand without a hand.

Acxa placed her hand on his torso to sturdy him as they got Lotor to the bed slowly but surely. Ezor glanced at Lance with hurt in her eyes as if she was asking, was this was he wanted?

Not like this.

"Lance can you take care of him for now, we have to keep the empire running," Acxa looked at the slave who nodded slowly, ignoring ezors hurting gaze.

"Of course," Lance bowed his head to the higher rank galra. He looked at Ezor again as she nodded and he ripped his eyes away walking toward Lotor till they where alone.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Lance got on his knees next to Lotors bed.

"You all over exaggerate," Lotor coughed closing his eyes tightly as he hissed in pain.

"I'm not your generals, you can tell me what's the truth," Lance looked at him worriedly and Lotor turned to him with tired eyes.

"The disease is getting worst," he whispered and Lance nodded.

"The flower right? It's growing and..." Lance bit his lip and let out a sigh.

"I can't do it,"

Lotor closed his eyes in pain as Lance looked at him confused.

"I can't kill my father," he breathed. "I don't have the physical strength,"

"I can do it," Lance offered and he shook his head.

"Lance no," Lotor gulped.

"I'm a slave, it won't matter," Lance touched his arm gently but he shook his head again.

"Hagar will kill you and your sister, when I'm dead I don't want to see you in a very long time," Lotor gripped his hand tightly. "Do not die young,"

"But Lotor if zarkons alive and your dead-" "I know, I'm leaving it to Narti, she is able to control others," Lotor cut him off.

"Get some rest Lotor," Lance brushed some white hair out of his face and stood up. He leaned down and kissed Lotors forehead tenderly as they gripped each other's hands tightly.

"Where I'm from, that means your worth something to me, I care about you Lotor," Lance looked down as he saw the galra's confused face.

Lotor nodded as their hands lingers.

I love you.

Lotor looked at him as the words echoed in his head, wanting to pour them out to Lance telling him the truth, telling him how important he is and how much he's impacted Lotors life. I love you. I will die for you happily.

Lance slowly let go as he looked at Lotor who dozed into sleep. He heard a small knock at the door and went to the metal entrance. As he opened it he saw Keith and pulled him in quick.

"Dude what are you doing?" Lance whispered yelled.

"Why are you whispering?" Keith asked in a normal time voice but Lance waved his arms shaking his head, he pointed to Lotor who was sleeping.

"Updates or is this your lunch break?" Lance asked in a whisper sarcastically.

"We don't get lunch breaks..."

"Then what?!" He led on confused as Keith shook his head.

"We need to proceed on the plan, we're taking to much time already," Keith pursed his lip.

"Lotor is literally dying in front of us right now, he doesn't have much time anyways," Lance hugged his arms.

"One of the generals over heard us yesterday," Lance gulped looking at him.

"Did she say anything?" Keith asked with worried eyes.

"Not yet..." Lance looked down.

"We found something on your family,"

Lances head snapped up so fast Keith thought he just killed himself but the relief and hope and shock in his  eyes showed how alive Lance was. Those blue eyes that where an ocean of emotions.

"Three of your siblings are alive, your mothers actually on this ship as a prisoner," Keith whispered looking down.

"Where?!" Lance yelled but covered his mouth glancing at Lotor who only gasped in pain when he took a deep breath in his sleep.

"In the west cells, your siblings are with the rebel base, they're coming to the castle," Keith nodded.

Lance hugged him tightly as Keith wrapped his arms around him and felt lances heart beat rapidly in the Cubans chest. Lance laughed with a big smile looking at Keith, he grabbed the half galra spy behind the head and pulled him close as their lips smashed against each other's.

Keith was in shock by now but blushed as he kissed back wrapping his arms around lances neck and the Cubans hands where on his sides.

"Thank you," Lance whispered against his lips smiling softly at him.

"Was that just a-a one time thing or-" Keith was cut off when Lance kissed him again laughing softly.

"It's a way of repaying the impossible," Lance giggled as Keith kissed his lips again.

"I am the impossible," Keith smirked and Lance laughed covering his mouth to muffle it.

"Keith kogane, you are one bad ass bitch," Lance whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek gently.

"I have a job to do and so do you, get out," Lance teased as he pushed Keith out of the room smiling.

Lance sighed rubbing his face smiling as he was amazed at himself of what he did and went to the bathroom to recover.

Lotor looked at him with sad eyes and rolled over ignoring the agonizing pain in his lungs, his back facing Lance as he covered his mouth and felt his chest tighten and it wasn't the flower. He felt a single tear run down his purple face and closed his eyes tightly not wanting for Lance to see him nor to face him.

Lance could never love him, as another already stole him heart.

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