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The next morning Lance was taken to Lotors room once again as guards shoved him in the room. He quickly got to his feet looking for Chloe as he let her 'sleepover' in the princes quarters.

"Chloe?!" He called worriedly and saw his sister on the princes bed as another alien was on the bed with her.

"Lancey! This is my friend ezzie," Chloe gasped happily seeing her brother.

"Oh.. A-are you a servant too?" He looked at the woman curiously as Chloe ran to him smiling as her hair was braided into pig tails to her shoulder.

"Um, no, I'm a friend of Lotor," the alien girl was tall as she was a mixture of pink and orange like a mixed sunset on earth yet had light blue eyes with yellow that would replace the white.

"Heh the guy has friends?" Lance snorted but remembered what Lotor told him the night before.

Would this girl hurt him for shit talking the prince? Especially if she's his friends? She was taller and looked stronger than his noodle arms, soccer and baseball didn't give him the beach bod babes came running for but swim have him something for a muscle on his tan body... Not like it matters anymore.

"Ha! I know right, he's such a downer sometimes or mister 'I'm to serious to know what a smile it'!" The girl laughed and Lance raised an eye brow at her.

"Your not going to attack me or anything?" Lance asked holding Chloe's shoulder.

"Nah, no point, we all give Lotor shit, I just get special privileges to say it to his face," she winked at him and Lance gulped a little.

"I'm Ezor by the way," she held out her hand to shake with his.

"Lance," he smiled a little shaking her hand with a good grip.

"I know, Chloe was telling me about you," she giggled and Lance looked back at her as the little girl smiled innocently.

"Alright I got to go, I don't want you guys getting in trouble, plus Lotor doesn't know I'm here," Ezor shrugged and walked out.

"I like her, she's nice," Chloe looked back at Lance brightly.

"Yea, she is isn't she?" Lance placed his hand on her head and ran his hand down her hair to feel the braids.

"She's good with hair too," Lance chuckled as he began cleaning the desk that was once organized.

"What should I do?" Chloe hopped on the chair to look at the papers.

"How about you go clean the bathroom, hopefully it's not to bad," he kissed her head and Chloe groaned walking away to the bathroom.

Lance leaned over and looked at the papers on Lotors desk as it was in another language he didn't understand. He saw blue prints though that could help. Lance flipped through the papers seeing the blue prints of some sort of ship, lions, and a robotic man.

"What are you doing?!" A voice gasped behind Lance and he spun around seeing the servant from before, Juzula.

"I-I was picking up the papers," Lance lied terribly and felt a hand slap across his face.

"Do you want to die?!" She screamed at him hitting his arm with a strong punch. Lance wanted to fight back but he knew better than to hit a woman, no matter what species or race.

"You irritating slave!" She punched him in the nose angrily and was about to hit him again only for a clawed purple hand to grab her wrist and shoved her to the side easily.

"I think that is enough Juzula," Lotor looked down at them both as Lance had blood running down his nose and Chloe was standing in front of the bathroom with wide teary eyes.

"But sir-" "dare speak back?" Lotor raised an eye brow and she bowed her head down as she was released from his hold and quickly walked away while Lance wiped under his nose.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Lotor said first.

"It's not the way to treat a lady, my mother would beat me worst if I even raise a hand at any woman," Lance smiled teasingly at him but pain flashed in his eyes that Lotor caught.

"Even if she hits first,"

Lance nodded with no hesitation.

"Lance where is mama?" Chloe walked over and he tried wiping the blood quicker even though she already saw.

"Chloe go back to the bathroom please," Lance said gently and she sniffled but nodded as Lotor looked at her over his shoulder.

"I don't care if I'm out of line to ask you anything but, what happened to my planet?" Lance gulped.

"Why should I answer?" Lotor glared.

"Just answer a question or two and then I'll be the servant slave that follows all those rules, no more talking back or out of line," he looked up at the galra.

"Earth has been destroyed due to its lack of resources for the galra," Lotor said flatly.

Lance closed his eyes tightly and turned away grabbing the side of his head with a fist full of his own hair while with his other arm he wrapped around his chest trying to keep tears to himself.

"And other humans?" He croaked.

"There are only about a hundred humans alive at the higher guess on the galra ships, either as slaves or prisoners," Lotor told him almost in a whisper.


They stayed silent for a while as lances back was turned to the prince but tears crawled down his face and his jaw started to hurt from clenching his teeth so tightly together. Lotor knew this easily by his body language, but it surprised him when Lance turned around with no more tears but his eyes where still red and puffy from the small break down he was ready to finish but it almost startled the prince when a easy smile was settled on his tan lips.

"What would you like me to begin sire?"

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