T w e n t y - n i n e

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Lance saw a large hut with no walls as people where laughing, smiling, even some dancing to the music others played. Food was passed around as the huddled around a fire but it was so many people of all kinds. Lance was in awe.

"Lotors back!" Someone yelled happily and Lance glanced seeing Lotor smiling awkwardly waving.

"Lo lo!" Some kids ran and hugged him calling him 'Zuta' by some.

"Ancients your all getting big, guess I can't even pick you up," Lotor laughed lightly and the kids giggled and Lotor excepted their hugs.

He sighed and knelt down to some of the children who looked alike as Lance watched curiously when Lotors face turned to caring and concerned.

"How are you guys holding up?" He asked as he was same height of the children.

"Everyone's been helping since the attack, I know how to cook now," a little girl held her brother and sisters hands as she looked older.

"I'm so proud, your probably better than me, you'll be okay you three, I promise?" Lotor kissed the girls cheek caringly and she smiled sadly when he stood up. Lotor saw lances confusion and walked near.

"Their parents where killed in the attack, luckily everyone's been pitching in for the orphans, takes a village to raise a child," Lotor walked with Lance as they where greeted with kisses or hugs and even waves, some tears as the last time they saw the prince was from the attack.

"Ain't it the fucking savior, how it's going prince," a man laughed patting Lotor on the back.

Lances eyes widen at the man as he was... Human... Looked exactly human. Pale skin with blond hair and dark brown hair as he had scars across his arms.

"Your human?" Lance asked in awe.

"Almost," he smirked as his eyes switched to a dark purple with yellow iris's and fangs.

"But yea, I'm human, good to see another," he chuckled at Lance.

"I think I actually really like it here," Lance smiled up at Lotor as he chuckled softly as light dark purple blush smeared across his nose and cheeks. A tickle in his throat spread making him cough and he covered his mouth as Lance kept walking.

But at that moment the world seemed to stop when Lotor pulled his hand back.

A single blue petal laid in his hand.

"Quiznex," he crushed the petal and looked back at Lance with worried eyes. Oh no.

Lotor looked back at the crumbled petal in his hand and recognized it as a ocean blue color, same color as lances eyes. He dropped it onto the ground and smushed it under his boot with a small twist and kept walking.

He felt his chest tighten in fear, the conversation ran through his head that he had with Gena, kal, and Lance, hanahaki disease.

He knew it well... He was the hybrid of the only species that had this disease... Altean.

There was no cure, there is no cure for it unless he killed the one he loved or if they returned the feelings. If they loved him back.

And that would be damn near impossible.

Cause Lotor fell for someone who hated him. Lance.

He coughed again and felt something land in his hand seeing another blue petal. He didn't hesitate to throw it on the ground and used his heel to destroy the beautiful flower.

Lotor rubbed his face as he walked to his family and saw Lance laughing nervously as Gena was showing him foreign food of galra foods. He sat with them as jax crawled onto his lap and stole some type of bread making Lotor laugh and  wrap a secure arm around his nephew as he took some of kalzu's food behind Lance making everyone laugh including the human.

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