T w e n t y - e i g h t

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Lance was talking happily with gena as she was cleaning her hurt when he was holding the newest member of the family while Lotor and Kalzu where off doing something?

"So can I ask you some things about Lotor?" He asked holding the baby who was now awake and holding onto his pinky.

"Not planning on using it against him are you? If you are I got some embarrassing stories of a life time," gena smiled evilly as she was making a soup.

"How do you know him?" Lance snorted.

"Well actually, I'm only like five deca phoebe's older, so is Kalzu, Lotor was only eight when we met, he ran away from home and God, that kid had issues, stabbed kal," she laughed.

"Found him stealing from the market actually, skilled fighter even when he was younger, took out two grown men, but kal chased him down and pinned Lotor down yelling angrily thinking he was some street rat but before anything I saw Lotor crying," gena pursed her dark purple lips tightly.

"He was scared, so we took him in, kal and tor became brothers as me and Axca became almost sisters, he and Axca are closer,"

"You know Acxa?" Lance perked up.

"She's my sister, I look more like our mother, she looks more galra than me," gena snorted.

"Your a hybrid too?" Lance asked surprised and she nodded.

"She and the girls are coming tonight too, the boys should be home soon, but about Lotors embarrassing stories, I got the time where he cut his hair with Acxa and Zethrid, oh my god he looked like a-" "Gena!!" Lotor walked in with kal and the kids.

Lance felt his heart skip a beat seeing Lotor, he was out of uniform and had a tight black t shirt with brown pants and a tan thin jacket that was rolled to his sleeves. Lance knew before Lotor was masculine when he basically bathed him but it just blew Lance away by how buff he really was through a shirt with no armor.

"This is why you where born to be a mom," Kalzu walked in behind him snickering and Lotor elbowed him in the ribs making Lance laugh, they really did act like brothers.

"I may be your wife but I will beat you like your mother," Gena pointed a knife at him.

"And that's why I love you," he kissed her head and Lance smiled at them.

"Wait so how long have you two known each other, you said you met Lotor at like thirteen, but how long have you been a couple?" Lance asked at the couple, they where adorable. If they where on earth he'd totally call them goals... But they wouldn't get it he guessed.

"Fourteen, for galra we believe in soul mates actually, one person is just meant for you, but with the war, it's not cultural anymore but I grew up with my parents doing the same thing," Kalzu explained smirking as he tickled Gena in the side making her elbow him in the throat.

"No," she pointed the knife at him again.

"And what happens if you don't find a soulmate?" Lance leaned on the table interested at the culture.

"It sucks, luckily a lot of species don't have hanahaki," Gena shrugged and the boys rolled their eyes.

"That hasn't been around for ten thousand years gen," Lotor sat at the table with Lance.

"What's that?" Lance asked him.

"Nothing serious," Lotor waved him off. Lance noticed how different Lotor was here, he was relaxed, smiling, happy, actually showing emotions, joking around. This was his home, his family, and he's sharing it with Lance...

"Papa it's going to rain!" Cato ran up and Kalzu rubbed his ear softly.

"No because dinners going to be done," Kalzu said simply.

"I didn't say anything!" Cato groaned.

"That's a lie Cato," Lotor took valina from Lance as grabbed a bottle from Gena as he helped around the hut.

"He's his kit, course it is," Gena shrugged as Lance smiled.

"MAMA! IURA BIT ME!" Jax screamed from another room.

"Oh my stars I'm going to kill them, I got it Gena, take Val," Lotor handed her the infant and walked to the next room as they heard three voices telling in another language as the kits where yelling and Lotor was talking over them.

"I'll tell your mom!" Lotor yelled over them and the two stopped as Cato grinned evilly seeing his siblings in trouble.

"You two, sit there until you two laugh," Lotor sat them on a chair they fit on together as they pouted.

"Oh wow your actually good with kids," Lance looked at him impressed.

"Zuta's mean," jax huffed and Lotor sent him a sharpe look.

"I can show you mean," Lotor said and Cato snickered.

"What does Zuta mean?" Lance smiled interested.

"Uncle, I'm their god father too," Lotor shrugged as irua and jax giggled behind him.

"Zip it you two or your staying with your uncle tonight," Gena pointed and Lance smirked sticking his tongue out at them making the two of the triplets giggle.

"Is Lotor like the strict one?" Lance teased.

"He's the one you go to if you want shit done," Kalzu passed by grabbing Cato like a potato sack over his shoulder as his son cackled.

"I can meet you guys at dinner," Gena took back valina putting her in the sash again to easily carry the youngest member.

"What do you mean?" Lance stood up following the others.

"Dinner?" Lotor walked next to him. "Oh um... Ever since the attack we eat together like, all of us, better hurry before it rains,"

"Aw I think it's sweet," Lance giggled as they walked outside and Lotor smiled gently as he felt something tickle in his throat and blushed softly.

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