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Lance walked into the control room as he handed Acxa a device that had their plans on and smiled feeding Kova a slice of meet. Ezor walked in as Zethrid looked behind her confused.

"Has anyone seen Lotor?" Zethrid looked around and Lance gave Ezor a device as well for her position at the controls.

"I passed him on the way here, think he went back to his room, looked pale," Ezor rubbed her arm with a frown.

"I'll go check on him," Lance nodded as they looked at him.

Acxa looked at Lance as he walked out and bit her lip. This was the man Lotor was in love with, would die for... Her leader, her friend, was dying because of a human that was caring, emotional, daring... She could understand why Lotor would.

Lance walked down the halls and opened Lotors door but found it empty.

"Prince Lotor?" He called confused but there was no one to be seen in the room. Lance panicked not knowing where he could be, did he pass out somewhere? Was he coughing so hard he couldn't breath in another room?!

Lance walked down the halls frantically but heard a familiar laugh and another voice following. He went to ezors chambers and opened the door to the room his little sister was kept in.

"Chloe?" Lance walked in and saw Chloe sitting on Lotors lap smiling as she played with his hair and a blanket was over her small body and Lotor held a book in his hands.

"Hello Lance, everything okay?" Lotor smiled softly at him as Chloe laid in his lap leaning against his chest.

"What happened?" Lance walked over as he saw Chloe running her fingers through the ends of his hair.

"I found her in the halls, she was crying and brought her back, poor thing hasn't slept all night Ezor told me, just nightmares," Lotor told him as Lance sat by him.

"Hi lancey Lance," Chloe mumbled waving at him as she was sleepy.

"Hey baby girl," Lance ran a hand through her hair. "Having fun with Lotor?"

"He read me a story about Voltron, it's just big kitties," she giggled and let out a large yawn nuzzling against Lotor.

"Thank you," Lance smiled at him scooting by him and looked at the book.

"My pleasure, it's the least I can do for her," Lotor looked at Chloe and began to read the story again but froze when Lance leaned on his shoulder listening.

"Keep going, I wanna hear too," Lance mumbled and Lotor blushed softly as he continue reading the book to the McClains that could be the last of their family.

"What's this?" Chloe pointed to a old city on a page as it was very pink and clouds around it.

"It's an altean folks tale," Lotor looked at the page as he read the words.

"The wise stand back from the fire, fools are burned from the pyre, the mystic becomes one with the flame, the members are he are the same," he rhymed and Lance looked at the page in awe as his head rested on the galra's shoulder.

"What's it mean?" Lance asked.

"It's just a legend, doesn't mean much," lotor smiled gently at him.

"Sounds specific, is it really?" Lance hummed.

"What do you propose, that this could be true?"  Lotor chuckled. He looked at Chloe again and saw her sleeping soundlessly nuzzling against the prince.

"Maybe, sounds like the Bermuda triangle," Lance breathed as he yawned slightly.

"Tired as well?" Lotor looked at him closing the book quietly.

"You have a relaxing voice," Lance smiled.

Lotor smiled a little and saw Lance dozing off as he rested against Lotor.

He stood up as Lance laid on the floor now, he picked up Chloe and set her on the bed and walked back to Lance and carried him bridal style, setting him on the bed next to Chloe as she scooted to the warm body of her brother. Lotor smiled gently and leaned down kissing lances head softly.

"I will always love you, even when I'm gone," he whispered against lances skin and walked away to meet his generals.

Chloe rubbed her eyes sitting up as she watched Lotor leave. She smiled with a giggle as she looked at her brother who was now passed out on the comfy bed. She laid back down, using his chest as a pillow and smiled at the thought of having a prince in her family.

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