Friends Stick Together.

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"Eleanor! Hurry up!"

I'm Eleanor, I'm 22 and I live with my sister Mollie King, known as 1/5 of The Saturdays. I've always supported her and the band since they begun in 2008, I've bought every single they've ever written and I go to at least five tour dates when they're on tour, I'm basically their number one fan!

"I'm coming!" I shouted back to Mollie, she never lets me have longer than 5 minutes in the bathroom!

"It's not like I have work or anything" She murmured

I opened the door, to find Mollie impatiently waiting, she quickly scurried past me and closed the door in my face, charming.

I decided now would be a good time to make breakfast, I can never get in the kitchen when Mollie's around! I started putting some bread in the toaster, I decided that I should probably make Mollie some too, it saves her moaning at me.

Mollie finally returned from out the shower, she'd wrapped a towel around  her head and her body, but she still seemed to get water all over the kitchen floor.

"Are you making toast?" She asked

"Yeah, you want some?" I replied

"Nah, I'm not hungry."

I give up!

All of a sudden, our doorbell went.

"Could you get that please?" Mollie said walking back upstairs, well, it looks like I have no choice.

 I opened the door to find Una and Rochelle, both smiling, they greeted me with open arms

"You get taller everyday!" Una laughed, she's known me since I was 17 and I sometimes I think she forgets that I'm actually older now.

"How was your birthday?" Rochelle asked, pulling me into a hug.

"It was great thanks!"

Rochelle smiled "Is Mollie still In bed?"

"No, she's just came out of the shower, it took her a while though!"

Una laughed "She's always been like that"

I motioned for them to sit down, as they did

"Can I get you anything?" I asked

"No, it's okay" Rochelle replied "I feel too nervous for the interview!"

Suddenly, Una's phone began to ring "It's Frankie!" She said, staring at her screen


You are?


See you in a minute, bye"

Una placed her phone on the table "Frankie's coming"

"Where's Ness?" I asked

"She's meeting us there, I think she's hung-over" Rochelle smirked

The doorbell went again, I assumed it would be Frankie.

I opened the door, she smiled, nearly leaping on me.


"Hi!" I replied, she was truly mental

I moved aside so she could come in

"How's Parker?" I asked

"He's great! You should come and see him soon! He misses you!"

"Oh, and Happy belated Birthday!" She said, patting me on the back

"Thank you!" I replied, Frankie joined Una and Rochelle on the sofa.

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