Too Far Gone

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Voices ring out in my head

That I should be dead

Never to return to the living

Buried deep, too deep to escape

All I ever wanted was to be loved

Instead people fear me

They shiver in fear at the sound of my name

Their shaky laughs and their silly scream

Have never stopped me

I have gone too deep

I have gone too far

My sanity is no more

Cackle is all I do

Tears come down my face

As I think of the old me

Happiness and joy is all I see

I am too far gone to be saved

But no-one wants to save a monster now do they?
A creature from hell itself

A demented smile makes it's way to my face

An evil laugh goes along with it

Sanity is just a word

That describes those who are truly here

Insanity is just a word

That describes those who are truly gone

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