Feeling Free

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The rope clawing at my legs

My legs, feel like lead weights

Dragging me down with every step along the way

It reflects the morning sun and the evening moon

A shimmering pool that shows one's desires

That is not why I'm here, I think to myself

Am I really going to do this?

Shaky breaths come out of my mouth

Slowly making my way towards the lake

I sink deeper and deeper in

No one can save me now

My last step is taken, as the weights pull me down

A gasp escapes my mouth as I am dragged under

The need for oxygen claws it's way up my throat

Ropes tighten and burn against my scarred skin

The feeling of lightheadedness comes to me

Pounding silently in my head as my body goes still

The weights clash against the murky floor

My eyes start to close as I lose feeling

Numb with pain, I let out what's left of the oxygen

My lungs fill with water, my mind screams at me to swim but...

I resist the feeling as I relish at the thought of being free

My final goodbyes written in my own ink

And to think, I was happy being help captive

By the voices that were once in my head

Bringing me pain and pleasure along the way

My body stops trying to resist against the weights and I go still

Up above the water I faintly hear screams

My family mourning over me

Soft hands touch my cold skin, the ropes loosen

The feeling of being lifted high into the air evades me

My mind is blank and foggy as we reach the shore

No sounds are heard anymore but I imagine their faces, seeing their loving daughter pale and soaking wet

No oxygen reaches my lungs as I am drowning all over again

Pressure on my chest make me jolt in surprise

Their trying to save me, I realize

Sirens blaring can be heard in the distance

Another jolt to my chest

No! Stop it, can't you see this is my only way to be free

I want to scream out

The sirens sound closer as the time passes along slowly

Just let me be free I want to scream as I am lifted once again

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