What once is lost
Will never be found
My knees, too weak to hold me
My hands bleed as the blisters pop
My heart is sore and broken
I will never heal
My bones are broken but yet I don't feel a thing
My suffering has been long forgotten
By those who used to love me
My friends have left this treacherous place we call home
The only problem is that I'm alone
Left behind for good
Even if my family were to see me, the wouldn't recognize me
They'll look right through me
As if I were invisible
I never talk to anyone anymore
I'm surprised that I am still alive
My heart slowly beats as my breathing becomes heavier
Will I ever find my home?
PoetrySo this is a book of poems that I have written - my old account was XxLovePoetryxX so this is me still. But again a lot of these are from when I was younger (at least the first few) some of them are also from now a days. Warning updates will be a b...