Prints along the glass
Shattered dreams and futures
The prints on the floor
Dried blood surrounded them
But the most frightening of them all
Her hand prints
Blood soaked and smeared
Dragged down the car window
Looking at it, you can hear her screams
Her bloodied hair
Crinkled and dried
A world of mysteries now lost
Her body was bloody and broken
No eyes, no ears, no mouth
Mutilated as she tried to escape
Her flaw - she had twinkle in her eye
There was no evidence left behind
Just her prints and her body
PoetrySo this is a book of poems that I have written - my old account was XxLovePoetryxX so this is me still. But again a lot of these are from when I was younger (at least the first few) some of them are also from now a days. Warning updates will be a b...