Needles prick my skin
Taking what it needs
I fall, my mind numb and dizzy
Hands roughly grab my arms, dragging me to my feet
A blow to my stomach as I lurch forward
I want to fall but those rough hands still hold me
Bruises appear on my skin
Scars littered everywhere
My mind and body are not my own
Renewed and replaced
I am just a test, to see how strong we are
My cage is opened and my demons await for my arrival
Clawing at my skin
Will I ever win?
The voices inside will not hide
Screams echo my cage
Cruel smiles are made as I hear laughter
I am just a patient
Tortured and beat
Half dead and yet I survive
I am alive but not well
My bruises start to fade
Once again I am healed and ready for another round of pain
PoetrySo this is a book of poems that I have written - my old account was XxLovePoetryxX so this is me still. But again a lot of these are from when I was younger (at least the first few) some of them are also from now a days. Warning updates will be a b...