I am dying inside
Slowly but surely
My heart thuds to a stop
I take my last dying breath
Nothing happened
I sit there still
Lying against a tree
I don't know what is going on
I keep wishing that I would die
But i never do
I have been lying against this tree for two tears
I never die
My friends keep living life without me
Never wondering where I am
I keep living in this treacherous world
I slowly watch my beloved things die
I cherished life
I'm dying inside
Slowly but surely
My heart thuds to a stop
I take my last dying breath and finally die
From the inside out
PoetrySo this is a book of poems that I have written - my old account was XxLovePoetryxX so this is me still. But again a lot of these are from when I was younger (at least the first few) some of them are also from now a days. Warning updates will be a b...