Part 4, Hello Trouble

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Ariana P.O.V

When I got home, my family were all sitting around the dining table, my mum had her head in her hands, looking stressed.  I sat down "are you ok mum?" I asked. "Yes, stay down here Ariana, we are waiting for someone" I was going to ask who, but then the doorbell rang, and mum went to answer it. "Hey kiddos" said a familiar voice at the door. "Dad!" We all shouted in unison, before running to give him a hug. My dads always very busy, playing at gigs in the pub and what not, he comes home very late at night so we rarely see him. Him and mum stood while the rest of us sat again at the table. "Kids, I have actually just come because your mum and I have some very important news to tell you." He said, sounding a bit sad. "Your mum and I..." he started hesitantly. "We are taking a bit of... a break." "Your going on holiday together, can I come" asked my little brother. "uh, no son... we are taking a break from..." "oh get a spine" my mum says to him. "Kids we are..." "See not that easy is it!" he shouts. "Kids we are divorcing eachother" my mum shouts. "Your dad has just come to get his stuff" she says. All of a sudden, the room fealt very cold. We were all in shock. My little sister didn't understand, but the rest of us did. Mum burst out into tears. "I knew this would happen" said my older brother, then he ran upstairs. My younger brother, who sounded like he was about to cry, just said he's going to be staying at his friends and slammed the front door. I had tears spilling from my eyes when I said "why?" then they just started blaming eachother and before I knew it they were having a full on fight. "Sort yourselfs out" i shouted before running upstairs. I unpacked my things and took a shower with the coldest water. I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I dried my hair and put on my pyjamas. I dived into my bed and cried there for what seemed like forever. Whilst I was crying, mum and dad continued to argue, screaming at eachother loudly. I heard both of them say some horrible things. I was broken. My little sister fell asleep, god knows how with all that noise. I then heard dad getting a few of his stuff and slamming the front door behind him. My mum stayed downstairs. I went on my phone, I needed a distraction. I had seen that Perri had started following me on twitter. He has been following me on insta and snap for quite a while now. I realised I wasn't following him on instagram so I followed him. I saw Lola had sent me a snap, so I opened it, thinking it was streaks or maybe an apology? It wasn't. It was a snap of her and chloe, linking arms and it said 'out with my day one'. I laughed a bit, that girl can be so childish. I removed her as a friend on snapchat, I have no time for her. On instagram I saw she had DM'd me, so I opened it and it read 'Hi Ari, listen, what you did was unforgivable, stealing my spot in the front row' I roll my eyes. I DM her saying that I am not going to explain again that it wasn't my fault. I unfollow her on instagram too. Then, if you thought she couldn't get any more childish, she also tweeted 'It's sad how your closest friends can betray you in 1 second.' I was cringing at her childish behaviour. I unfollowed her on there too. I then got a message from my mum : 'Hi Ariana, I need time to think and to clear my head, I am going to stay with a friend in Brighton, I'll probably stay there for about a month. Sorry. I was shocked. I quickly ran downstairs, but when I was halfway down, the door shut and she was gone. I started to cry again. How could she? I tell my big brother, and he gets angry and tries to call her, but she dosen't pick up. I go to sleep, I am an adult and so is he, we could look after the kids, we can manage fine. I fell asleep with a strange feeling...maybe it was my fault they split up? I was their second child, maybe I was too much?

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