Part 20, The Times They Are A Changin

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Ike P.O.V

As the new dance captain, I decided that I want to re-audition the whole studio, which means that anyone from the other classes that are at a lower standard, can audition to be in my group that will be going to nationals. The only people that don't have to audition are diversity. I want the strongest team to be going to nationals.

Ariana P.O.V

Ike tells us we have to re-audition, and I honestly don't mind, it's a chance for me to show all the new tricks I have been working on. I put my solo together, to a song called 'Rise'.

Diversity are all sitting on the sidelines, and Ashley, Ike and Ms.Kate stand at the fron, Ms.Kate holding a clipboard. Even Frankie comes in to watch, she loves seeing us dance.

Ike says the first group will be James, Alfie, Tania, Chloe, Evelyn, and some new girl Thalia. They all do amazing. Then the second group is some new girl called Beth, another two new boys, Josh and Eldon, a new girl called Cassie, her sister Morgan, and then me. They are all ok, but my solo is better then all of them by far. Everyone is shocked at how much I have improved and got even better. Then they all start cheering.

I am out of breath, so me and Perri go down to squeeze, which is now called culture shock, it has all been decorated, and there is now also music and clothes you can look at from different cultures, and a wider variety of food and drink. I order some cola and so does Perri. We both sit at a table. "So, what do you think of the new place" I ask. "Yeah, It's cool, I like it" he replies. Then we start talking about random things, he says my solo was amazing and I thank him.

Then we walk back to the studio, he goes chats to some of the new boys whilst I chat with the girls. Lola keeps boasting how she is going to make it, and she keeps judging the new girls. Thalia, Cassie, Morgan and Beth are all sitting in a corner. They already know my name since they are fans. I tell them they were all really amazing, and they thank me. Then I carry on talking to them for a while, and they are actually all very nice people. Then Ike comes back in, and diversity takes their positions. "If I call your name, stand up and follow me to your line position"

I am really nervous, my solo was better then anyone in my group, but maybe Ike dosen't like my style of dancing, maybe he will just choose all the hip hop dancers...actually Ms.Kate wouldn't let him. But still, there are so many new amazing dancers, I really don't know if I am going to make it.

Ike P.O.V

I have cut a lot af our old dancers, but I feel like this new team is the one that has the potential to win nationals.

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