Part 5, Getting To Know You

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I wake up at 6:30am. I take a shower, wash my hair, and wrap it in a towel, and I put on my robe. I don't even realise I am crying still, I can't seem to stop. I go downstairs and have some toast and milk. Then, I call my younger brother to make sure he is ok, he says he is fine and will be staying at his friends house till next week. I go upstairs and I see my baby sister is awake, so I give her a bath, change her nappy, then I give her bottle and a small bowl of baby food, and I switch on the baby channel on T.V for her. My older brother is still sleeping, so I go into my room and I dry my hair before brushing it. It looked really cute naturally wavy, so I slicked it back into a ponytail and left it like that. Then I Go to the mirror to do my makeup, and I look terrible, what with crying half the night. I moisturise my face, then apply primer, concealer then foundation. I do my eyebrows, then I do my eyeliner too, it suits when I wear a ponytail. I do my mascara, then my blush, because my face looks really pale, probably because I am still shocked. I then use some bronzer, and then I apply some vaseline. Once thats done, I pack my bag with a different dance outfit, this time, I have black shorts again, but these ones are tighter and they are shorter, then I also have a bright pink vest with a black line under were my breasts are. I then quickly run downstairs and get my water bottle and my keys and put them in my bag. Then I open my wardrobe. It's cold again outside, so I put on my grey tracksuits which are not baggy, and I put on my black hogwarts jumper and my addidas fluxes. I then decide to put on my hoop earrings, and spray some deodrant on my body. Then I kiss my little sisters forehead and get into my car.

I dump my gym bag onto the back seats of the car. I hop into the front and start driving. I can't help but cry, thinking about mum and dad. Luckily, I used my waterproof makeup. When I parked in the studio, I quickly patted my tears dry, grabbed my gym bag and stepped out of my car. I was actually 20 minutes early, so I went to squeeze, bought a juice, and drank it whilst scrolling through my social media. Then I changed into my dance outfit and put my gym bag in my locker. When I entered studio 1, no one was there, so I paced around for a few minutes. Then I put on some music and started dancing to it. It was quite emotional because the lyrics of the song were sad, about someones world falling apart, and it sort of related to me. Dance is the only way I can express myself. Wether I am happy or sad. Just last week I had it all, My family happy, My friends and I happy, it was all good. How did so much happen? Why did my mum and dad have to ruin things by not being loyal to eachother? Why did my bestfriend overeact and start being so childish? I have my other friends, but I still feel alone. I finish my solo just when the music finishes. Then I hear clapping. I hadn't realised that Ms Kate, diversity and some people from my studio had all walked in. I must have looked really sad, because Ms.Kate asked if I was ok, I just nodded. I wasn't going to let my personal problems affect my studio.

Perri P.O.V

Ariana has such a beautiful body, and she dances with passion too. I loved watching her dance. I really loved it. We all clapped when she finished, but she looked really sad. I wonder why?

Chloe P.O.V

Ugh, Ariana is doing some stupid ass emotional dance, probably crying that Lola has moved on to better people like myself.

Lola P.O.V

Why is Ariana in here doing some stupid solo? What has she got to be sad about? She hasn't got her solo taken away from her. So annoying.

Ashley P.O.V

I am concerned about Ariana but I decided to start the lesson. I asked everyone to take their positions and to go through the choreo that we practiced yesterday, and it went smoothly. "Now if you remember, I said there was going to be a big announcement, and that announcement is : today we will be holding auditions for duets, so if your interested, please sign this sheet" I said as I pinned a sheet against the wall.

Perri P.O.V

Duets... should I? I look around for people I might want to do a duet with... Ariana of course!

Ariana P.O.V

Perri came up to me and asked me if I wanted to work on a duet with him, of course I said yes, he went and signed our names on. About 7 other pairs signed up too. We had 30 minutes to come up with a duet, so me an Perri went to studio 4 and started practicing. We worked on a lot, we seemed to be on the same page, like we had some... connection?

Perri P.O.V

Ariana and I seemed to have this sort of... chemistry? When we danced together it flowed and we worked really well together.

Ariana P.O.V

I suggested we take a break so we both went to squeeze and Perri ordered our juices. I looked at him standing at the counter, for some reason... I was finding him quite attractive all of a sudden. He had his hair in a high bun, he was wearing his white nike t-shirt and his grey shorts. When he came back I must have looked sad again because he asked if I was ok. I wanted to tell him, but I honestly didn't want to have some crying fit right there. I told him I am ok and he said If I never needed to talk to him, he was right there. I thanked him, that was really reassuring.  Apart from that we carried on talking and laughing. He pointed out my hogwarts top and we had a cute but nerdy and hilarious conversation. Then we went back and finished off our duet, and when we peformed it people seemed to love it, and I'm glad to say that we got the duet. I love working around him, he makes me happy.

Perri P.O.V

I am seriously concerned about Ariana, but apart from that we had a lovely time, practicing our duet, and then we had a funny conversation about harry potter at squeeze. I think... I think I sort of really fancy her. Like she is hot, but cute at the same time, she has the nicest personality, and is also really funny, and her dancing is amazing. Oh my god I think I really fancy her. I tell Jordan, Mitchell and Ashley later that night on our way home, and they tell me she seems really good for me.

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