Part 23, Do The Right Thing

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Ariana P.O.V

I wake up, Perri already woke me up gently at 6:00am, telling me he is going to go to the studio a bit early for some diversity meeting, and he kissed me lightly on the forhead. I wake up now at 7:00am. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I dig around Perris wardrobe, and luckily, I find one of my dance outfits that I left there. I pack a water bottle, and then I do my hair. It is a bit messy from last night, so I just redo it exactly how it was, just neater, before putting on some makeup, perfume, then eating and heading out. I have to take the bus since my car is at my house and Perri took his. I get to the locker room and I change into my dance outfit, before heading inside and sitting with all my friends, and Perri. Then, when Ashley is talking to us all, Frankie comes in and asks if she can take me. Ashley is annoyed because it's right in the middle of rehearsals, but Frankie tells him it's important. He still is annoyed, so she whispers something in his ear, and all of a sudden his face goes serious. "Oh, Ari you better go with Frankie" he says gravely. So I stand up and follow Frankie out. I can feel everyones eyes watching me.

Perri P.O.V

I am really worried aboht Ari, I hope she will be ok.

Ariana P.O.V

When I get outside, I see my brother and sister there, with all there bags. "What are you guys doing here?" I say, running to them both and hugging them. "Ariana, I found them both outside your house... they told me they wanted to come back" Frankie informs me. "What is that about?" I ask them. "Ariana, aunty found out that I might be gay." started my little brother. "And when she did, she told uncle who kicked us both out, with all our cousins laughing at me" he said. I felt so bad for him. Why was my family not accepting of gay people. "Right" I say. I walk back to the locker room to get my stuff. "Ariana" Ashley shouts. "You can't leave now, I mean, yeah what your going through is tough,'I understand" He says. "Know you don't" I say back. "It's nationals Ari!" He pleads. "I'm sorry" I say. I take my brother and sister by the hands, and when we are about to leave, Frankie reminds me she is always there for me. I give her a big hug, and head out. I stuff my gym bag and both of there suitcases into the boot of my car. I make my little brother sit in the back and do his seat belt. I don't have a baby seat for my little sister, so I just put cushions next to my brother, and a blanket and she lies underneath, with the seat belt done. she is asleep pretty quickly, and my brother puts his headphones on and plays his spotify playlist. I start to drive. I feel weird. I feel like there is a lot of pressure on me. I just want to be focused on making myself an even bigger dance career, and I also want to focus on me and Perri. I am only 20. I can't play mum like this. I just can't. We pull up at our house, which is all nice and clean. I make my brother take a shower, and I bathe my sister, then I change my little sister into her pyjamas, and my brother changes too. I make them a meal and lay it out on the table, lasagne, salad, garlic bread, chicken wings, baby food for my sister, a bowl each full of apples and grapes and strawberries, and then I bake small cupcakes, red velvet, around 5 of them. Then I lay out some cups and jugs of tropical juice and milk and water. I put out my little sisters baby chair, and I change from my dance gear back into my normal outfit. I take a drink of water. What should I do? I know what I should be doing : rehearsing for nationals. But these are my siblings, I can't be leaving them like this eveyday. I need my fun. But they do too. And school. My little sister would be starting nursery in two weeks, and my brother going back to school in one week. How do I pick her up when I have rehearsals? How do I look after them everyday. It can't just be like this. They are kids, they need their fun. But also, they need proper experienced adults to look after them. And I am not a proper or an experianced adult or parent. I suddenly remember my big brother. I call him. He'll know what to do. But he dosen't pick up. I then call our aunty, I want an explanation. She dosen't pick up either. Ugh. I put my phone in my pocket. It's time to be direct. But I know things aren't going to change, my aunty has always been traditional and homophobic. She disgusts me. And my, his buisness is way up in Scotland, so I can't go to see him. All of a sudden I remember the dream I had the other night. Then I realise who I need to go too. I tell my brother to look after my sister. I give them both kisses on the forehead. Then I get into my car and I'm off. I don't know the way, so I have to use a random old satnav that I found. I arrive there, and it is dark when I do. I park and get out. I have never been here before. I look around. This place is so different to London. More quiet. I take the paper out. The paper which had my mums address.

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