Part 18, Coming Home?

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*4 months later*

Update (Ariana P.O.V)

Me and Perri have been together for 4 months now. I still can't believe it, and I still can't believe we won regionals. Some members of diversity have had to go back to Essex, but now they are all back here in London for good, so rehearsals for nationals it is. I have changed a little, my hair is now blonde and my dancing has inproved a lot. The kids have been back from our cousins house, but my aunty said now that I am going to be rehearsing for nationals, she will look after them again. Honestly, I appreciate her so much. It is also nearly christmas, which I am very excited about. I am still friends with all of the girls, but Lola is still really annoyed/ madly jealous of me. I have met Perris whole family, including his parents, and we all get along which is great. My big brother is now a millionaire and I couldn't be more proud of him. Mum was supposed to be back 3 months ago, she hasn't picked up any of my calls or answered any of my messages, and is still not here...

Ariana P.O.V

I wake up at 7:00am and have a bath. I use my galaxy lush bath bomb. I use my pantene shampoo and conditioner on my thick blonde wavy long hair. I cleanse my body with my cleanex 0% chemicals shower gel. When I get out of the bath, I wrap my hair in my white towel. I shave my legs and moisturise my body with my vaseline cream. Then I put on my charcoal face mask whilst I cut my nails, then wash it off with my charcoal face scrub before I apply my faux nails to my finger nails and toenails, these ones are white matte with a bit of silver glitter coming from the bottom and fading at the top. Then I wrap my body in the softest white robe. I get my brother to wake up and I make him take a shower, whilst I pack his bag with pyjamas and his toothbrush and some of his other clothes and all his gadgets, and some stuff for his hair, which he is obsessed with. My brother has changed a lot, he is becoming quite girly, he has told me he thinks he might be gay, and I have told him I will support him whatever he turns out to be. Mum wouldn't accept him if she knew. Then when he comes out, I brush and dry his hair for him, not that he can't do it for himself, just because I like to talk to him, then I leave him to change. Next I go to my baby sisters room and get her out of her cot. I take her to the sink and give her a shower. Then I dry her body and moisturise it, and I gather her thin strands of hair and put it into a small bun. Next I pick out a pretty dress for her to wear with some tights, and her new baby shoes that I bought her. I carry her downstairs and give her some warm milk and baby food, which she eats in front of the telly. My brother makes himself some cereal. I run upstairs and take my hair out of the towel. I brush it, then put some oil in it that smells so wonderful. Then I straighten it, and put it in a half up half down, that has become my go to hair style. Next I go downstairs in my robe and wash all the dishes, and do a little spring cleaning. My sister is on my brothers lap and they are watching the T.V. I then go upstairs and put their bags by the front door. I run back upstairs and pack my gym bag with my dance clothes-a pink vest and my white shorts. Then I also pack my water bottle, which has been in the fridge all night, I like my water really cold. Then I do my makeup-my eyebrows, foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara and lip stick, a nude colour. Then I change into my blue jeans, which has a neat rip on each knee, and my white vest with a grey nike hoodie on top. Then I put on my Tns, and I look at the time-it's 8:00am, which means I only have half an hour to drop the kids off at our cousins, then drive to the studio. I run downstairs and tell the kids to grab their bags. I run out of the house not even bothering to lock the door, I just shut it. Then I drive them, say a quick hi to my aunty and uncle and cousins, kiss my brother and sister goodbye before rushing to my studio. I feel my tummy grumbling on the drive, so I quickly run into costa and pick up some coffee and pastry. I eat in the car, and put a mint tic-tac in when I am finished so that my breath dosen't smell. I grab my gym bag and run into the studio. I greet Frankie with a kiss on the cheek, and I dump my bag into my locker in the locker room. I get changed, and run into studio 1...

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