Part 29, Christmas day

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Authors note : I don't celebrate christmas but merry christmas to everyone that is celebrating xxx and thank you if your still reading ! A lot more to come 💓

Ariana P.O.V

I wake up to my siblings jumping on me. "Santa has been! Santa has been!" they shout. I smile. I am in my christmas onesie. I head down stairs with them. We sit and open our presents together. They love their presents. My brother got me a christmas junper he made. It looked so cute, so I put it on. I see more bags of presents. "Who are they from?" I ask. "Oh, a few of your friends came round" my brother explained. I open them and see a whole pallete of kyahadow, and 3 kylie jenner lip kits, and an iphone X ! Wow! I send them all thanks on my new phone. Then we throw away all the wrapping paper. On twitter I tweet : Merry christmas everyone! On snapchat I post a pic of all the presents I got. On instagram I do the same, and I also DM Perri merry christmas, and he replies merry christmas baby xx. I also text merry christmas to the group chat, and they all say merry christmas back. Whilst my little sister and my brother are in the living room having cornflakes and baby food with milk and orange juice, I start getting christmas lunch ready. Whilst the turkey is in the oven, I chop some cucumber and tomatoes and put them on a plate. Then I cook some rice and put it in a bowl. Then I cook some garlic bread in the oven, then some chicken wings. I slice the garlic bread and lay it out on a plate, and with the chicken wings I put them in a bowl. I also get plain slices of bread on a plate, and a bowl of sausages.Then I bake some mince pies, and put them on a plate. I also get out some ice cream. Then I take the turkey out of the oven, and it looks wonderful. Then I lay the dining table. I put on a christmassy table cover, and lay out a plate in front of 15 chairs, (some of my friends and my brothers friends are coming) and next to each plate, a knife, fork and spoon. Then I lay out all the food with the turkey in the middle. I also put some christmast crackers on the table. Then I switch on the radio, Ariana Grandes 'santa tell me' is on. I make my sister take a shower, and I dress her in a cute elf girl costume. I make my brother take a shower, and he wears one of the christmas tops he made and some jeans. I take a shower, dry my hair and put it in a half up half down. For my outfit I wear a long oversized jumper, it is dark red and says 'happy elfin' on it. I don't wear trousers since it is sort of long, just some knee length white high heeled boots. Then I do my makeup, nothing special, just primer, moisturiser, concealer, foundation, pink eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, bronzer and my kylie jenner lipstick, KoKo, and I also fill in my eyebrows. Then I spray my snow'ella by zoella perfume on, and just then the door bell rings.

It is all my friends and my brothers friends. We all hug and say merry christmas. I give my friends their presents, and we all sit down at the table. I take a boomerang of it all and post it on insta stories. It goes well, and we are all happy. Then we all have to go to the studio, so I tell my brother to look after my sister. I leave them with a big box of chocolates and some more mince pies. My sister some baby food and milk, my brother with juice. I tell them we are going somewhere special when I get back. Then, before me and my friends leave, I get Perris present and my new iPhone X and head out. I gave my old iPhone 7 to my brother. Just to be a little more festive, I put on some reindeer ears with little bells on them. We take my car. It is 3:30pm when we get there.

At the studio, we all hug the diversity boys and the other people from our studio. I give Perri a kiss, and I give him his present. He loves it as I hoped, and he puts it on his insta story with the caption : Omg! Thank you so much ! @ariana 😘❤️
Apart from that we all just talk and wish eachother a merry christmas. Then we all head to the pub, and have a christmas party with some of our outside friends. It is really fun. We take a lot of pictures. No one of us gets drunk, but we are high! Then we party really hard, whilst having a few snacks. Me and Perri sneak in a kiss or two every now and then. He says he likes what I am wearing while touching the part of my thighs that were showing. He is so nice to me. Then, we finish off the party. A few of diversity boys and the boys and some girls from our studio stay, but Perri leaves and kisses me goodbye, my friends like Beth and Thalia and Chloe e.t.c all get back to their families, and I set off to go home. It is 6:00pm when I get home. I get in just in time because my brothers friends parents follow me in, and we wish eachother merry christmas and they go. My sister and brother looked like they had all been playing, so the house was a mess! Whilst christmas tunes played, I cleaned the kitchen and the living room and the hallways and the bedrooms and the bathroom and the toilets. My brother cleaned the garden (they got decorations everywhere) and my sister just ate some grapes. We put the decorations back to normal, some tinsel, some balloons, and other christmassy things everywhere. When we were done, the song that was playing was 'All I want for christmas is you' by Mariah Carey. "Where are you taking us?" my brother asks. Usually for christmas we all just stayed in, but since mum and dad weren't here, I decided to change traditions. "You will see, just let me take a quick nap" I say. I had a tiny headache from drinking so much. When I woke up, it was  7:30. I head downstairs "Time to go" I say. I take the baby seat this time, and we are all in my car. My brother kept asking where we are going, but I managed to keep it a secret. We put on some christmas tunes in the car, and we opened my windows and we started yelling christmas songs on our way. People on the streets smiled, and some even joined in. Even my little sister tried to sing along. We drove all the way up to hyde lark, right to a car park. "We will be walking a tiny little bit" I say. I pick up my sister, and tell my brother to walk in front of me. I take the tunes off, close the windows and lock my car. We walk for a bit, and then my brother realises where I am taking them. "Omg, winter wonderland! Are you taking us their Ari?!" "Yes" I laugh. He hugs me. "You are the best!" he says to me. I get us a lot of tickets, and it is dark so all the lights on the rides are on. I put on my insta story 'winter wonderland' and a picture of it. We all have a blast, my brother goes on all the scary rides, and I go on some of the baby ones with my little sister. By the time we have run out of tickets, we have basically gone on all the rides twice! I buy my brother and I hot dogs from one of the stalls, and I share mine with my little sister, giving her tiny pieces which she could swallow. Then I buy myself water, my brother some coke and my sister some tropical juice which I put in her empty travelling bottle. We all get in the car on the way back. "Oh Ari, that was so fun, we never do anything like that!" my brother says. My sister clapped in agreement. "And that is not all" I wink at him. I drive them to the arcades. "Eeekkk" My brother squeals in excitemnt. My brother wins a lot of big teddies for my sister, he wins a lot of tickets for himself to buy something from the shop. He buys a lego set. We all get back into the car. It is quite squashy in the back, because besides my sister in her baby seat, she had all her teddy bears that my brother won for her, including a vey big pink one, plus his massive box which had the lego set in it, and the boot of my car was already stuffed with the other stuff he won. I let him sit in the front with me.

By the time we get back home, it is 10:30pm! I put my sisters teddy bears in her room, which is looking really cute. I make my brother take his lego set and all his toys to his room, which is quite clean but stuffed with all his stuff! Then I wipe my makeup off, undo my hair so that it is just out normally, and I change back into my christmas onesie and jump into my bed. I facetime Perri for a while, then talk on my friends and I group chat, then I text star and call whitney, and then I try to sleep but I can't for some reason. I look at a framed photo I have of me and mum and dad when I was four years old and it was just us three. I then start crying. "I wish you were here today" I whisper to the photo sadly. But then I remember how they faked the divorce, and became angry. This christmas has been my best one yet. I won't let them ruin it. I lay the photo face down, turn around and fall asleep.

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