Part 35, Bad Girls

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Authors Note : Hii x Please let me know in the comments if your enjoying my story 😅😅 I really hope you are because I like writing it🤷‍♀️Also, thankyou for 100 views! (nearly 200!) I appreciate it 💗🙏

Ariana P.O.V

Today in the morning I washed my face and brushed my hair, then I put it in a bun. I do my makeup, and for my outfit I have my purpose tour red jumper and some blue jeans with neat rips on the knees. When I got to the studio, I get into a cubicle and I change into my grey nike sports bra with grey leggings. In studio 1, I say hi to Perri, and I sit next to him. Ms.Kate tells everyone that she has picked two pairs, and she wants them both to come up with a duet, peform to the team, and whichever pair wins will represent us in the duets round at nationals. She picked James and Cassie, against me and Perri! We both were happy and went to studi 2. He needed to get changed into his dance outfit so I waited. I liked what he was wearing today :

😅😍😍 (via his instagram @ realperrikiely x)

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😅😍😍 (via his instagram @ realperrikiely x)

When he had changed, we started working on our duet. This one was way better then our regionals one because we had both learnt new tricks since then. Our lifts were much more complex and everything. I liked being lifted it was actually really fun.

We headed back into studio 1, and after James and Cassies amazing duet, it was our go. We got claps from everyone, and we got the duet. I think it is our chemistry, James and Cassie didn't have that. Afterwards, rehearsals went good, but for some reason Jordan wasn't here.

Ashley informed everyone there was going to be a party tomorrow since it was going to be new years eve. I can't wait!

I headed to studio 5, because usually no one is in there and I wanted time to just dance for fun. But when I walked in....Jordan was kissing Lola!!! He was cheating on Naomi,seriously? I run up to them and slap Jordan on his arm. "What are you doing, you weren't in rehearsals today because you were in here cheating, what are you thinking?" I say pushing him back. Naomi and I are quite close and talk a lot, so I am going to stand up for her for sure. "I love you Lola" He slurrs. "Are you drunk" I ask him. "He is, me and him went out as friends last night to nandos, he insisted he go to the pub, I went home. He must be drunk yeah" Lola says. I look at her in disgust. "He's drunk, that dosen't make things completely better, but whats your excuse" I ask her. "I don't care about Naomi do I?" She tells me. I shake my head at her. I tell her to get out but she dosen't listen. So I grab her by her arm and pull her out. Then I shut the door so it's just me and Jordan in the room. Jordan get a grip, I can tell your not drunk, you idiot" I tell him. Immediatley he is normal again. "Well...I was drunk last night..." he says. Pathetic. "Jordan, what are you going to do?" I ask him. "I don't know, what shall I do?" He says to me. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't want to get involved, but if Naomi cheated on you would you want her to telk you?" I ask him. He thinks for a minute. "Yeah, I suppose" he says. "Jordan, you need to tell her why too" I tell him. "I don't know.."he trails off. I pat his shoulder and walk out. Then Naomi is there. "Hi Ari, do you know where Jordan is? We have a date to go to the cinema" She says. My heart breaks for her. "Um...he is in there" I say pointing to studio 5. "Thanks hun" she says and walks in. I decide to check any of the other studios. I just feel like dancing something random, no choreo. I look into studio 4, and honestly I am absolutely disgusted by what I see. It's Lola. And this time, she is kissing Mitchell!!! "Lola are you serious" I ask. "Jordan, now Mitchell" I say to her. She goes red with embarrassment. "What are you talking about?" Mitchell asks me. "Are you gonna tell or should I" I ask her. She just looks to the floor. "Lola, was literally kissing Jordan 5 minutes ago, and now she is in here with you" I inform him. He looks shocked. He looks into Lolas eyes, she can't look into his. He shakes his head and walks out. "What is it with you upsetting people" she shouts at me. "Me? that's funny, because you are a cheat and a sidechick, your the one who has upset Mitchell, Naomi if Jordan tells her, and Jordan if he dumps her or gets dumped for you. You never learn Lola!" I tell her. Then she walks out and I start to dance. I am angry and I feel like I don't know Lola anymore. Then Stacey, the exchange student from Sweden walks in just as I finish dancing.

"Hi Ariana" she says. "You seem really stressed out whats up?" She asks. "Nothing" I say. She takes my hand and sits me down on a bench. "Whats up" She asks. "I don't know, i have just basically completely lost my bestfriend. She is cheating on my poor friends and I just feel like I don't know her anymore" I tell her. "So you need a new bestfriend?" she asks. "I don't think so, I mean I have my boyfriend Perri and I have my friends from the studio and diversity, but I still feel like Lola was such an important part in my life, and she has changed into some bad girl and I don't like to think I used to be friends with her" I say. "Okay, but bestfriends are important. I will be your bestfriend, but I am not going to hang out with a completely stressed girl all the time babes" she says to me. "Oh well" I say. "Ugh, stop being so stupid come with me" she says so I follow her into studio 1. "Okay, so come in here" she says walking into Ms.Kates office. "Um, we aren't allowed in here unless Ms.Kate is here." I say but I still follow her in. She opens Ms.Kates drawer and gets out the folder containing the list of challenges that we are supposed to do in preproduction for nationals. "Woah stop what are you doing" I say panicking. "Don't worry, listen, everyone is feeling a bit stressed, with all this cheating with your friends and that is going to affect the team, and some people don't know the choreo, and others are upset with other things and little rows, like Beth and Thalia aren't talking, and Cassie is angry with Chloe, so tomorrow we are making rehearsals fun." she says. "ok but tomorrow we are only here for 2 hours, then we go home and come back for the party" i say. "2 hours is more then enough time" she says. "Now, tomorrow the challenge is supposed to be who can do the most highest lift, boring! Let's make it that the whole team has to do...hmmm...English dancing things" she says. "You mean Morris dancing?" I said to her. "Yeah whatever" she says. Then she grabs a felt tip and crosses out lifting and replaces it with Morri dancing. "What are you doing, it will be obvious that we changed it" I hissed to her. "Woops" she says. I look over to Ms.Kates desk, with her laptop on it. "I know the password..." I say to Stacey. "Then take a seat" she grins. I log onto Ms.Kates laptop and I open a word document. Then I do my best to copy exactly how the nationals letter looked. I actually did a decent job. The only change I made was from lifting to morris dancing. I giggled at the thought of our whole team morris dancing. Stacey was right, everyone could lighten up this way. Then I printed it out and me and Stacey were both putting the letter back into the folder, when Perri came in. "Ari, what are you doing?" he asks me. "Oh, um just tidying up" I said. "Come on, I'll drive you back to yours" he says. "Ok, bye Stacey" I say to her whilst she puts the folder back.

In the car, me an Perri are talking normally. Then he asks me what I was really doing and I told him the truth. I thought he would take it badly but he actually found it funny and thought it was a good idea. Then I told him about what I saw with Mitchell Jordan and Lola, and he seemed shocked. He said he would make sure they are ok, and thanks for telling him. When we got to my house, he pulled up outside and kissed me on the lips. I hugged him and jumped out and I got into my house.

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