4-New faces.

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Its my second day in school,"Just chill and hope for something interesting today"I told my self.It was the first period bell that just rang now and I needed to get going to class.

It's French class I had,so I entered into the class."Bonjour classe"Mrs Rana said with a smile on her face"Bonjour Madam"the class replied in harmony.

"Tous le Mardi,Je le apprendre vous Francais,C'est d'accord?(Every Tuesday,I will teach you French,Is that okay?")Mrs Rana said.

"Oui Madam"we all replied.

"C'etait comment tes vacances?"(How was your holiday?)she asked.

"Pas mal"(it was okay)few of the class responded, including me.

French class isn't that bad,I chose that language cause I think it's the second easiest and most acceptable language after English,even thou there were other classes available like Arabic,Spanish,Hindi and Sinitic (China) language.

So far,I've been improving on French and French class never gets boring,maybe because of the teacher though.
It was lunch time,"I love to eat that same sandwich I bought yesterday."I said to myself with a face of hope.

On my way to have some I bumped into this weird guy,he was about 6inches tall,he has this blue eyes,cool look and nice face,he looks wow.

"Pardon!"(Excuse me!)I shouted."Can't you see that you bumped into me?"He just stood there looking at me with the eyes that shows he would wish to kill me right that moment.He then took away his eyes from me and looked at the crowed that was forming gradually,everyone was tensed trying to see what was next.

He then looked at me back."Who do you think you are?How dare you question me that way,You don't even know how you look so stupid questioning me.Now would you get your creepy look out of my way I wanna get that last Sandwich."he then pushed me.

It was kinda of a scene.what just happened,how dare he?he just got away like that having the last Sandwich so freely? I turned back thinking I could teach him some manners, before I could speak,it happened that he left like a bird or maybe like he disappeared."That was weird."

I went back to sit with just a pack of chocolate.when I went back to my locker.A strange voice talked"Never mess with me cause if you do you will get what you never wanna get."He said with a cold tone.

I turned around and saw a tall and good looking guy,It was the guy that I was hoping to see at lunch since he took my only hope of eating something nice.

"Owwww  you again,what's your problem?Can't you forget everything,I'm the one to be angry."I gave him a mean look.The next thing I felt was that I was pushed to my locker.

"Look bitch your messing with me."he said.

"Hey John,what did she do now?"A voice came out from behind,I stretched my neck to check who was that.There were about three guys that look like they did a triangular shape.It seemed they were friends.

"Dude can you believe this,this little chick thinks she can mess with me".John who I think was his name spoke."look what we have here"one of the boys said with a smirk on his face,he came closer to me about 3centimeter close."Hey,Stop she doesn't look like a loosed girl"The leader seem to say with a wild look."Max,are you okay?this is an opportunity for us!"John said in a cold tone.

"John,Austin and James let her be,we have better things to do"Max explained."I think his right"James agreed."Guys just....".

"John don't go through my nerves"Max exclaimed.

"okayyyy".John grumbled.

I was just watching the drama right there until Max looked straight into my eyes,he looks so adorable,cute,hot his eyes were grey,his tallness was about 6feet tall.I couldn't resist his adorable eyes"Now leave."he commanded me.I didn't hesitate,so I left the scene hurriedly not wanting to look back.

Then I went to Class since I was 8mins late.I had to go to the gym."Thank goodness it's not an important class besides it's not a class it's an activity, it's optional."I said to myself walking towards the gym class.

Watch our for the next chapter,Once more I love u all and that's the truth.Dont forget to comment.

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