46.Confession time.

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We all went back home and my dad gave us the living room that was upstairs to use for the night.Everything was available at home including the small chops.

We had a little coming together party and it all went well,the music was just going smoothly it seems all the music on John's phone was up to point infact James and Cindy had a make out in front of us.Amelia asked if she was seeing right and they both confirmed that truly we were.

"So pretty can we go outside and talk?"I asked Ella while I gave her a glass of Chapman and she chuckled and collected it.

"Mmm that's a yes right?"I smirked seductively.

"That's if you remove your suit jacket."She blushed lightly.

I quickly removed it and dropped it on the table.

"Shall we go."I held her hand.

She giggled and nodded immediately.We went downstairs without anybody notice.

"Soo have I told you you looked gorgeous with your pink gown?"I asked her as she leaned on the wall.

"Mmm...."she just stared at me and smiled.

"Well..???no thank you?"I asked her.

She cleared her throat and talked."Well thanks and you don't look bad either."she rolled her eyes.

Daniella's POV

I rolled my eyes on him and he frowned then I was about leaving when he held my hand back and I turned to look at him before I could say anything he was already too close to me.

"Daniella.....my love....."he inhaled deeply and we were too close that I could feel his breath.Our lips touched eachother and we were looking straight into each other's eyes.

"Is it acceptable to love you more than Romeo's love to Juliet?"he gave me a passionate kiss.

"Yes...."I smiled and this time I was the one to kiss him.

We kissed for about 10 minutes

"Max?" until Austin came....He was just there amazed."I didn't know you both are good at kissing."he smirked.

"Gosh Austin!!"Max gave Austin a look that he should excuse himself.

But Austin was like sorry he couldn't.

Austin's POV

I was looking for Max and Ella,I searched everywhere until I noticed them from the window,I quickly went downstairs to call them,immediately I stood right there they didn't even notice my presence and when I called Max's name he got angry and I noticed it but I just had to stop them before they over do it.

"Max.... Daniella,I'm sorry for disturbing but the Sushi has been delivered,we are all waiting for you two,shall we go now?"I gave a faint smile while Max hissed and Daniella sighed then Daniella took the lead without say a word as Max followed.

"Funny..."I said to myself as I followed them.

"Okay guys let's begin."John clasp his hands as he sat.

"Amelia and Cindy should do the serving right?"Daniella suggested while we all agreed.

As they served us and gave each of us our portion we all brought up a topic and we started talking.

After the Sushi,Phoebe decided that we should play a game called confession time,in this game it's only the truth that will be told,and other secret you have been hiding from someone.

Well it went well until James confessed his love to Cindy, everyone looked surprised.

"Cindy what do you have to say?"Amelia asked Cindy as Cindy felt so embarrassed and she started blushing.

"We-we-well I kinda like like him too."she turned her face to his side as blushed lightly.

"Keep blushing sweetheart keep blushing,it's part of life."John said.

John's POV

"Well I got something to say too."I ran my hands through my hair as everyone looked at me and waited for me to continue.

Everyone seemed shocked or should I say surprised."wait wait don't tell me you are also loving Cindy?"Ella asked as everyone looked at me for an answer,the opposite answer thou.

"Hey....noo......Cindy is my friend and nothing attached."I smirked at the thought.

"Then who?"James asked.

"Its one of you girls."I winked at them.

"Gosh you are putting us on a tensed mood."Daniella said in fraustration.

"Okay I'll give a clue then."I said to everyone"and the girl I normally do that to is the girl I love."they all looked more interested.

"Okay that girl,hmmm I always give her a drink in any party we attend to and we do go on some outings each Thursday which I consider as a date and last but not the least we have the same best food in common."I looked straight into Amelia's eyes as she almost started crying.

"Wow....."Daniel looked amazed.

Everyone was happy and Amelia quickly ran to me and hugged me and I hugged her in return."yeah that's the girl, Amelia is the one."we both looked deep into each other's eyes as we kissed and everyone was like we should stop.

"Okay okay we would."Amelia stood up and went back to where she was sitted.

"Well this is crazy.... anymore confession cause it's kinda getting even more interesting."Daniel asked.

We all nodded it seems we were out of confession.

"Okay then lets spend our evening and night watching movies,what do you all think?"Amelia asked with a happy face.

It was kinda easy telling Amelia how I felt and it was easier when she also has the same feelings for me too.

Everyone went to the couch and sat,Amelia played the CD on the DVD and Phoebe turned on the AC,while Daniella brought the popcorn to us and Daniel went to close the curtains and off the lights.

We all started with comedies.

Fiona's POV

After all my efforts of pretending to be a good girl,my secret has been exposed,me getting pregnant now is at the wrong time,now my dad wants me to get married to my so called boyfriend who pretended he loved me soo much.Seeimg him with my friend on the same bed is really unfair, making love with another girl while he got me pregnant is really unfair too.

"Now my Mom and Dad are forcing me to get married to him so that their reputation won't be ruined.....Can you imagine?"I spoke to my self in the mirror as I frowned.

"Gosh."I kicked the dressing mirror.

"This baby in me fucked it up,if not that I'm truly pregnant,I would have denied having any boyfriend."I sat down and hissed.

"I'll have to arrange my clothes back before we leave for the intro next tomorrow."I sighed and laid on my bed thinking.

"I've missed Max."

Hey everyone,sorry I did not publish this story last week,I'm sorry but I was sick and I couldn't even use my phone for 4days and when I managed it didn't even take me long before I had to drop my phone due to the little energy I had.Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love from Temiashmar.

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