33-That night.

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We arrived to a very big event center....it seems Max didn't tell me we were going for a concert.There were alot of people,everyone looked well dressed and organized,I felt the blood in my vein drain when I noticed that amongst all the girls in the center, I was the only one wearing a simple clothe,trouser for that matter.Even Max himself wore something fittable for any event,his black jean even made him more attractive to girls.

As we head towards the hall,Max handed me my ticket.I looked at it and frowned"Max you didn't tell me you were gonna take me here?"I gave him back and folded my hands under my boobs with a frowning face.

"Do I need to ask for permission to take my girlfriend to a show?"He whispered and handed over our tickets to the security.

"So tell me,why did we have to go so far for just this useless show?"I asked angrily.

To my surprise I saw Max laughed abruptly."You ask so many questions baby and besides who doesn't like to watch shows like this?"he muttered.

"Is that why you had to take me on three hours journey?"I raised my voice and raised my hands above my head letting my frustrated self feel more better.

"Can we just stop this now,please, don't create a drama please.I'm sorry,the show has started,let's sit and chill."He said not really looking at me.

I frowned but I know he won't notice me because the show has just begun,so I gave up the frowning and calmed down.

"Wow the concert was dope....thanks Max I enjoyed it."I held Max arm tightly resting my weight on him.

"You're welcome princess,now you know the reason why I had to let us be at this concert right?"I nodded in agreement."let's not go home yet...let's go to the near by ocean side and sit there for a while so we can receive some fresh air."Max lead me."Sit,I'll go buy some corn..."I nodded and let go off him.

As he was coming closer,he gave me a smile."Hmmm,why were you staring at me My Danny."He gave me my cup of removed corn with mustard,lemon, paper and salt.

"Mmm it's hot and nice."I dipped the spoon in my mouth."Yummy."I blushed as soon as I noticed his glued eyes on me.

"Do you know what....You never told me to tell you how yummy you were that night?Is it that you don't mind the fact that we need to talk about this some day."He slides his fingers in his silky hair.

"I....you didn't actually sound serious after that night."I dipped my head down feeling ashamed of never truly bringing up the issue ever since that night.

"Okay... Should I....."before Max could say something his phone beeped."whose that?"I asked.

"I have no idea,it's an unknown number and the funniest thing is that the person flashed."He said showing me the missed call.

"Don't worry,I'm sure the person will call back"I assured him and he nodded in response.


I noticed some girls that were sitting at the other branch beside Max's side,they were just making me feel angry in a way their clothes were very exposed,it seems they want to grab guys attention,they were always looking for Max's attention which he didn't give them.They truly dressed nice,they looked astonishing unlike me.I look so normal.It was all Max's fault,he didn't tell me we were going this far and now I'm feeling jealous.

"Max can we leave here.Im not comfortable with those girls looking at you."I stood up to leave.

Max stood and grabbed me from my waist."ohh!Are you jealous?"he asked with glittering eyes."I know what is going on your mind,but your the only beauty I see.You cant just leave,they should  be the one to leave."he said that with confidence.

Holly shit!He was confident enough.As I said okay....he pulled me and kissed me so passionately with the girls attention on us.I wanted to stop him for the fact that his kissing me in public but I enjoyed it as well so I allowed him and remember that night.

When the drama finished,Max and I laughed at the girls reaction,they looked insulted.We went walking by the ocean side when we finished our corn....since we decided that just sitting isn't the best option.I rested my head on Max's shoulder and enjoyed the fact that he kissed me.I wanted to talk about that night but as I was about to talk, someone's hand touched Max's shoulder and we turned back.

"Huh!Is this really you?....."Max opened his mouth but I clunch his jaw back.

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Any mistake shown...no one is perfect....so please bear with me,I had to upload today even though I'm sleepy due to my promise of uploading.Thanks for understanding.

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