19-New year party and Love.

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Now we were at the party,the party was bubbling,it wasn't just an ordinary house party but a garden party,It was a big garden,there was a huge stage,a bar and VIP recreation room.Dan seems to be well known, immediately the hostess saw Daniel,she easily recognized him.She was beautiful but seems a little bit older than us.

She took us to the VIP room which did not have wall but a bulletproof glass so that people who are sitting inside the VIP place would be able to see what's going on on stage that is outside.There was also a TV,an AC,pulsating lights and comfortable couches,By the time we were served drinks there were hip hop dancers already performing on stage.They were up to the task, everyone seems to encourage the performance.

I looked at were Phoebe was sitting which was beside Dan and saw both Dan and Phoebe whispering something to themselves,I'm suspecting them,there is something going on between the two of them and I must find out what.

"Are you two dating?"I looked at Dan expecting an honest answer.

Dan touched his back neck thinking of what to say while phoebe bit her upper lips like she was in trouble.

"Yes we are."he managed to say.

"Wait! how come,when,where?And PHOEBE you didn't tell me about this?Your keeping secrets from me,your betraying me?"I said in anger clenching my fist.

"I'm sorry Ella,I didn't mean to hurt you,I mean I know it will be weird if I told you that I was dating your brother,I was hoping for the right time to tell you."she said giving me a baby face.

"Since when?I mean how many times have you guys been on a date?"I asked curious.

"This is our second time."Phoebe said while Dan avoided the question by drinking up his alcoholic drink and Phoebe joined him.I stood up with my wine cup.

"Where are you going?"Phoebe asked.

"I'm going to the bar to get more wine and give you two some privacy,some space so you can enjoy your date,and yes phoebe you got alot of explanation to tell me so get ready soon."

Phoebe nodded"Surely."I departed from them.

"Give me more wine, please."........"Thanks."I said to the bar man.

I checked the time and it was past 10pm."Less than 2more hours to go and boom here comes a new year."I said to myself still angry with what happened earlier on.After some minutes my anger subsided.

I was about sleeping when someone tapped me from behind,I looked back and behold it was James.

My eyes widened "Huh! James is that you?"I blinked one more time to confirm whether it was a dream or reality.Surely it James.

"Hey,yeah it's James,how are you and can I have a sit?"I looked into his eyes.

"I'm good,yes please,and you,how are you?"James sat down on one of the sits beside me."Longest time,where have you been?"I said in a depressed way.

"I'm good too,yes longest time.I was kinda busy."He gave me a wide smile then requested for a glass of wine as well.

"Emmm where are your members and leader?"I asked curiously.

"They are all busy."The bar man gave him his drink.He drank his alcoholic drink.Staring at the performance that was going on.

"A-and.......Max,where is he?"

"Busy,don't know what is more important than street fighting."He smirked.

"Hmmm,I hope his alright."

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