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It was Monday morning,I had to go submit my government assignment which was given to me last week but she gave us grace till this week.It was yesterday I did all my assignments,and I'm so grateful I finished it all and now I have no worries anymore.

Where can Max be?I asked myself worried,since Saturday night I had been worried,my mind hasn't been at rest,I had this weird thought that I couldn't erase out of my mind.I checked around his class but he was no where to be found,I tried looking for his members but I didn't see any even James.I tried asking his classmates but every one seems not to know.

During class I couldn't concentrate,but I managed to grab some points though.When it was literature class I saw Phoebe and I was happy that I saw her,I had to try to forget my worries and then concentrate on all the gist I had with Phoebe.After class it was break time so Phoebe and I went straight to the parking lot waiting spot.

"So go ahead,I'm all ears."I cleared my throat.

"Well when those weird guys came to cause chaos,a guy named Dan had to stop it by telling the leader they would have to play card and who ever loses will have to leave,so they both agreed. During the playing of card it happens that Dan won and this made the other gang leave angrily,then Dan instructed everyone to dismiss,and we obeyed.I searched for you everywhere but you were no where to be found."she said while packing her books.

I had to tell her that Dan was my brother,I had to."Well you also disappeared too I looked for you everywhere but I couldn't find you,And as for me,Max had to hid me so he took me somewhere safe and please don't be surprised but Dan is actually my brother his full name is Daniel,his my twin brother that I told you about.Do you remember?"

"Jeez! Really wow how come?why is he a leader in a gang? I'm also sorry for the disappearance but I met new friends so I think I forgot to inform you."

"I don't know,he didn't tell me either,but please keep this as a secret okay?"I begged her.

"Okay,I'm glad you could trust me,for that reason I won't tell anyone I promise,and besides you brother is kinda handsome and it really shows that his truly your brother because your also beautiful so it explains everything."she revealed her thoughts.And it made me blush.

Thank Goodness she didn't talk about why Max saved me, because if she did I would have to tell her his also a gang.

After school,I had to call my brother whether he had seen Max or even heard of him,but his answers where no....no I haven't.

"Give me the phone,hand it over to me!"Phoebe insisted.

"Who is that?"Dan questioned.

"It's my bestie."I said.

"Whoa you got a bestie,Okay let me speak to her."he insisted.

"No problem."I handed her my phone,and told her I'll be back in a jiffy.

On my way to my car,I bent down to the passenger seat to get my MP3 player with my earbud.As I came back I still met Phoebe talking to my bro.

"Enough of the chat Phoebe and Dan,you do that some other time or better still I'll send you phoebe's number,okay Max okay I need to hang up now bye.mwuahh."I snatched the phone from her.

"Ohhhh why Ella?"Phoebe growled.

"Sorry but I'm hungry,let's go to the cafe,I can hear my stomach growl."I said while she laughs out loud, walking towards the nearby cafe.
It's was the next day,Tuesday,when my alarm woke me as usual and I was indolent to do anything,I wore my uniform,did French plait as for my hair style,wore my black moccasins and grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.I greeted my parents and packed some sandwiches in my backpack then went ahead to go to school.Yes I quite checking my weight.

Like seriously where can Max be,I mean this is the second day in school that he was absent.I have to do something,I need to know about Max well-being.After mathematics class I went straight to my locker to drop my books and then went straight to where I think Amelia would be.

I finally found her sitting with her best friends,"H-hey...."

"Hi,what do you want now?"she shrugged.

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you in the past,I hope you can forgive me."I heard myself say.

"Alright,that doesn't mean we are friends okay?"She said.

"E-emmm ok.Do you know where Max is?"I avoided her earlier sentence.

"No I haven't heard from him or even the others for some days now."

"Really?,Can you please try calling them."my worried look looked more obvious.

"It's not reachable."she said.

"Are you sure they are not in trouble?"

"I hope not,let me try calling Austin number?"She dialed Austin's number,but wasn't reachable.

Max's POV

"Let's settle this in an amicable way Sam."I suggested.

"No,we can't,we will have to do this whether we like it or not".Sam insisted.

"No don't do it."I insisted.

"Yes I will,just wait till night and your gone."Sam smirked in a devilish way,and then went locking the door.

My members and I were alone in the room.

"Max,there is a phone there charging,let's use it to call Amelia so she can find us help."John suggested.

"Your right."even though I was tied down I managed to crawl down to where the phone was charging.

I eventually got rid of the charger and dialed Amelia's number,thank goodness that there was no password in the phone.

"Hey Amelia,I need help bring some hefty guys,I'm in Sam's apartment,be quick please."I told Amelia,but eventually before I could proceed telling her she shouldn't come alone I heard the phone swiping.

"Hey Max,are you alright?"it it...it was..gee.

I heard Ella's voice on the phone,how come? I mean I called Amelia not Ella,I had to hang up quickly,cause my heart beat heated faster.Am I falling for Ella?no it can't be.I told myself,I just like her voice.

"Dude what's up?"James asked.

"I hope she comes soon"I nodded and went to my position back.

Ella's POV

"Ella we need to do something"I heard Amelia talking,but still my mouth was opened from the shock I received, why did Max cut the call on me?

"Heyyy Ella!"Amelia snapped my attention."So there were kidnapped?"I said it to myself.

"Hey..."she waved to get my attention back.

"Hah?Sorry,don't worry I'll call my brother,I know he will help."I brought out my phone and called my brother,but he disagreed in helping me.

"Please please please Dan, please just once."I pressurized him.

"Okayyyy....I will help just because I love you,let's meet at the nearby cafe at your school,then from there we will leave, don't keep me waiting okay."

"Okay Bro, love you."


After school hours,Dan and his gang met us at the cafe,and it seems that Dan's members are really being trained for war.Then Amelia described the house for Dan,Dan seems to understand where his house was, immediately Amelia told him a clue he seems he knew where exactly his house was,so he drove without worrying anymore,while the other car that had all the hefty guys,were following my brother's car.I remembered Phoebe then I decided to text her a message of where I'm going to and switched off my phone.

That is Daniella's picture in this chapter.Stay updated for more chapters.

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