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It was Saturday morning,I woke up and I over heard my Mom,Dad and Bro arguing,what would they have argued about I mean why this morning?I went ahead to hide beside the stairs so I could hear them.

"Mommm that's my decision"Dan recalled.

"Why?why dont you like the school?"Mom insisted.

"Because I don't like it!you got a problem with that?"Dan shouted.

"Hey don't be rude,from Monday you will resume to LEAD BRITISH HIGH SCHOOL".Dad said.

"WHATTT?"I screamed out angrily....

Everyone looked at me like I just escaped from a locked room..I then realized that I was actually peeping at them and I just burst out from my hiding space shouting like as if my beloved one is about to be killed or shot.

"Emmm"I kept my hair behind my ear trying to make my face clearer,"Actually I over heard you guys so I was surprised when I heard that you were actually not going to the same school as mine,is there a problem bro?"I asked sadly.

"No not at all I just wanna change school"

"Oh okay."I greeted Mom and Dad,then I left to go back to my room.

"Why will Dan decide to school in Lead British high school and not middle high school?"I asked my self confusedly."There must be a reason".I said to my self.

"What would have been the reason now,I mean does he not like me to school with him?Owww maybe because of the day I abused the girl that was flirting with him at school,but I had my reason,she wanted to use Dan and get some money and I can't allow that well she is cute but annoying thou,or wait is it because I'm always around him?

No no it can't be besides I'm his twin sister and his my twin brother."

I was just thinking of what must have been the reason and then I heard my brother's footstep and then he came through the direction of my room with a knock on the door.

"Yes come in"I said warmly.He came in and sat down on my disarranged bed.when he sat down he gave me a smile.

"I like your room"I looked at him and smiled"don't be sarcastic I said in a shy way."

"Well I came to tell you that it's not because I DON'T want you around me but because I wanna have another way of schooling,I mean I wanna change ways you know....wanna experience how life is in other way."he rolled his eyes trying not to look in my eyes.

How did he know that I was actually thinking of why he doesn't want to school with me,I guess cause his my blood,I mean my brother,besides my twin brother for that reason.

"Hmmm,okay I understand"I said in a warm tone.

"Okay I'll have to leave now"Dan Said.

"Okay take care..."


"Dan has something his hiding"I said to myself.I was suspicious but I can't just conclude he was really hiding something.

Even siblings hides things from themselves,hmmm it kinda hurts atimes.Anyways my beloved ones I just wanna say thanks for reading.I love u all.ohhh and that's Amelia pic in this chapter.

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