11-The show.

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"YOU!"She bit her lower lips in anger trying not to look at me,as I stood up.

I tried not to react but unfortunately I did react.

"I....I didn't know you were the Celebrant."

"Aww,that's so bad:she hasn't yet learned her lesson."she said smirking referring to me as "she".Everyone started to murmur.

"Are you referring to me?"I said pointing at my chest.

"Who else,BITCH?"she looked at me angrily.

"Well,your also a bitch."I said while looking at her.

She wanted to put me down on the ground but someone held her back.I looked at the person that was at the back of her,it was Max and his members.

"Can you girls stop beating yourselves up,its getting dry,like seriously."Max said with a boring face.

"But Ma..."Amelia grumbled,but Max used his finger to shush her from saying a word.

"Are you done?Now come on follow me."Max insisted.

Amelia didn't hesitate,she just followed like a puppy.

Max looked back at where I was"I meant you as well."Max looked at me angrily.

"Why?"I asked.

"Just follow and don't ask me WHY...."he said and it seems James and his other friends were ready to lead me to his side.

"Okayyyy."I looked confused and followed them.I mean I didn't have business with them,but Max could make a girl melt by how he speaks.

I was lead to a room upstairs,it seems to be one of the VIP rooms, Amelia's house was hug,big and it contains alot of rooms,it was like a mansion.

"Now sit."Austin requested.

"Thanks"I said smiling.

Max then stood at the desk side that was at one corner of the room."Please girls,don't ever create such a scene like this one ever again,am I clear?."Max said.

"Yes."we both answered.

After some minutes of silence,John broke the silence.

"I like your dress."John smirked.

"Who?Are you referring to me?"I said amazed by his comment because I never thought he could admire me for once with the way we both met.

"Yeah,nice dress."He glanced through me and then looked away so he won't be tempted anymore cause I admit,I looked sexy.

"Awwnnn thanks."I smiled at him,but it seems Amelia got more angry,I think she was jealous so I had to do something about that.

"Nice outfit Amelia and your party is huge I like it."I said to make her more comfortable.

"Yes,I know,you don't need to say it."she smirked.

Like duh,it was none of my business though.I looked at Max and he was looking worried.what would have been the problem?

"Emmm thanks for making me leave the scene of teenagers watching me like they were in the cinema room,but now I need to leave."I said showing a sign of gratitude.

"Yeah,great she needs to say it out to the entire world."Amelia mocked me.

Max looked at Amelia and Amelia just had to hit her lips to shut her mouth up.

"Okay you may leave."Max agreed.

I went to sit in the parlor side this time around and everyone around seems to be making out,some girls were just kissing their boyfriends(not so sure though)at one corner and I just sat there looking like a security that was guiding a bunch of teenagers that must not be seen by their parents,Great!

"Where is Phoebe?"I asked myself confused,I looked around and didn't see any sign of Phoebe,then I gave in a deep breath to chill myself on the couch.I was about texting Phoebe when a drunk guy came to my side looking so untidy,he had blond hair and dark eyes,he was wearing a blue shirt and a black jean.

"Hey sweetie come let's have fun."he held my arm and grabbed me to his side making me to stand up.

"Ouch,let me be!"I insisted in disgust.

"No way darling"he pulled me closer and now we were about two meters near,he tried to kiss me but I kept on pushing him away.

"Someone help!"I shouted expecting a fast help.

"No one will help you,your all mine!"he fizzled.

"Just let me be."I exclaimed.

"Besides what are you doing all alone in such a party?"he asked.


"LET HER BE!"a familiar voice shouted,I looked back to see who that person was.

It was Max heading towards our side.lmmediately he arrived,He pushed him on the floor and started to punch him.To my surprise I was just standing at first but later on I started crying telling him to stop.

Then Austin came over and stopped him,"Let me be!let me finish him,how dare he touches a lady like that?"Max said angrily.

"Calm down and let's go....."Austin insisted.Everyone were just glued at Max.He looked violent,but was he?

They both went leaving the guy on the floor helpless and I just looked at the crowd,once more everyone watched a scene of me again,could this night be any more better?

After some minutes,I went to the kitchen counter and got myself a wine and went back to sit.Like seriously where could Phoebe be,I brought out my phone and dialed phoeb's number,it dialed twice but she didn't pick.

I guess because of the noise and music that is being played,she couldn't hear her phone ringing.Everything looked alright until I heard noises,uncomfortable ones,like there was chaos or something,I looked around to see what was wrong and behold I saw a bunch of gangs turning things upside down and making people scared.

I stood up to see how I could figure the problem out until I saw Dan,it was Daniel my twin brother,how come?

"What is he doing here?"I asked my self and glanced to where Dan was but he was so busy to see me,I need to meet him,I mean,I need to ask him why he is here.As I was walking closer.....

Max stopped me,"hey don't go there the American British high school are enemies to middle high school and if you go there,they are gonna challenge you,and there will be problem,so don't go there."he brought me closer.

I looked into his eyes and saw his cute eyes glanced through mine but he was too busy to stare at me or even check wether I was ok or not.

My hands were on his grey shirt and I could feel his hard chest,and the warmness of his body,damn he was hotter than hot,I didn't know boys like him were still existing,I felt butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't breathe properly,he was like a god.

Immediately he saw that upstairs was still calm,he held me tight and lead me there.But a familiar face stopped us.

What the?How did Daniel reach here,do you know why Dan came here?And why is Max so protective just like that?don't you think something is fishy?Don't forget to comment and vote.Have a happy Christmas Eve friends, Mwuuaaaahh love you all.

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