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Max's POV

It was evening already, Cindy and I tried our best to look cooperate and decent,we would'nt want Ella's parent to dislike us because of our looks...."Hurry up Cindy!Time is fast ahead of us!"I called on Cindy that has been in the room for hours doing only God knows the kind of makeup.

"Gosh girls and make up....Hurry up!"I called once more.

"Argghhhhh!"Cindy came down wearing a short pink dress but sweet enough for a dinner and a nude make-up,it was soo natural of her with her flaunted her,she smiled "How do I look?"raised a positive sight and I smiled back assuring her so was good to go.

"Okay let's leave....."Cindy said slightly as she gave me a perfect sign with a wink on my appearance,I smile lightly and opened the door following her to the car as I opened the door for her and went to sit too, I started driving to Ella's place while I turned on the radio to Cindy's favorite channel.

Daniella's POV

I made sure everything was in order, especially making sure that my dad would also be around so that the introduction and get together will be at once.

I've dressed up and done some makeup,now I'm with my mom in the kitchen helping her to set the table.

"Mom how do I look?"James quickly came down the stairs and showed her his blazer.

"Son go to your father,I'm really busy with the dishes."My mom said and James went to where our dad was in haste.

"James did you get the wine?"Daniel asked and james gave him a positive answer.

James wore a grey blazer with a black shirt and trouser and Daniel wore everything black,as for me I wore purple.

"I've texted Phoebe she's on her way already."Daniel said while he sat beside our dad in the living room.

"Dan I hope Phoebe isn't like you winked at him and laughed.

"Daddd...."we all laughed.

Ding don......the bell rang.

I quickly ran to open the door as I opened the door it was Phoebe.

"Hey bestie."we kissed and exchange greetings as Daniel quickly came to her,kissed and hug her until we heard both or parents clearing their throats.

"Ohhh sorry."Phoebe smiled with a slight blush.

"Emmm father, mother this is Phoebe my love."Daniel introduced Phoebe to our parents and because my mom already knew her do it was just my dad that didn't know her so he acted normal.

"Come and sit my daughter,the remaining guests will be here soon."my mom assured her.

I quickly texted Max and he gave me a reply within a minute that he would be with us in less than 10mins.I told everyone and they were cool with it.We all sat in the living room watching my dad's favorite channel until we heard the bell.

"It should be Max and Cindy."I said and quickly went to open.

Yes and I was right.

"Good evening."Max said while he gave me a French greeting while Cindy did the same.

I made them entered as I quickly introduced Max and James introduced Cindy to our parents.

Our parents looked pleased as we all went to the dinning for dinner,all the meals were well prepared.

My parents asked some questions and Max,Cindy and Phoebe seemed to go along and it made the three of us happy and comfortable.

"Well since Daniella is my only child,I'll always make sure I give her the best and that's what I also want from you Max."

"Yes sir,I assure you I'll make my priority is to make her happy all day,that's a promise."Max assured my dad,We a gave him an "Awwnnn""as we laughed over it,I felt my heart skip it was soo sweet of him for real,I just felt like giving him a kiss right the moment.


After the dinner my mom brought out the home made icecream she did earlier from the freezer and gave each one of us.It was mixed with many flavours and it was soo perfect I almost forgot it was home made.

Max's POV

It was past 10 when I noticed the time.

"Emmm I guess it's late already."I informed everyone and their attention from the movie we were watching drew to my side.I gave them a slight smile while everyone seemed to get sad that it's late already.

"I didn't even notice the time."Mrs Smith said."Yeah yeah."I heard Mr Smith agreeing.

"Okay sir and ma'am we would be leaving now."I grabbed my jacket when I heard Phoebe telling me she would follow since we are going on the same route.

"Okay I'll drop you let's go."I said and Cindy and Phoebe followed.

"Once again it's a pleasure to meet you."I said to Ella's parent and they both were happy to meet us.

"Ella and her brothers escort them to the car."Ella's Mom said in a sweet way and they agreed.

"Don't kiss too much thou an forget yourselves."Ella's dad said bluntly and we all felt embarrassed.

"Okay okay let's go hurry up it's getting late....."Daniel said as he pushed us out.

Good morning to everyone reading this chapter,how was your night,I hope your day would be filled with happiness.Im soo sorry I'm not really fulfilling my promise,I know I am not adequately publishing yes I know,but hmmm,the situation around me isnt making me to have time and besides I feel no one is supporting me again,it's like you've all forgotten me,I feel sad for real,I need supporters please,I want to have more time to write more.

Anyways I just wanna say I'm sorry and I hope you could all forgive me and come back to reading my story.

Love from Temiashmar...

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