5-Bro is back.

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*This chapter's picture is a pic of Daniel*

"Mom I'm back"I exclaimed and jumped to the couch of the living room,"Hey Darling I just ordered for a family size pizza,how was school?"my mom asked.

"Ok,It was ok nothing much happened"I switched on the TV.Watching a program I normally watch on weekends.

The door bell rang...."I'll get the door"I told my mom."Gee Dan,ur back"I lifted up my hand hugging my bro,not minding that he was with an heavy luggage."Ella your squeezing my intestine out"Daniel jokingly said, dropping the luggage,giving me brotherly warm hug.Daniel has that same smile as mine since he was my twin brother,he was an inch taller than me,his eyes were also brown like mine,his hair was silky smooth,he kept his fitness,I could still feel his hard muscles.

I Smiled at Dan"You have no idea how I missed you".

"I missed you more Ella"Dan gave me a peck on my chick.This made me blush."hey honey,Welcome back,where is your Dad"I saw my mom asking."hey momma,Dad will be back in a jiffy,he needs to bring something home"Dan answered.

"What's that?"I heard my mom saying."Momma he said it was a surprise". Immediately Dan finished his sentence the door bell rang.I opened the door and met my Dad with a flower on his left hand and a small packaged gift at his right hand."Mom I think your supposed to be the one to open the door"I said with a funny look.

My mom walked closer to the door with a gorgeous smile on her face."Honey I got the contract"my dad said with a successful smile."Ahhhhhhh! That's nice congrats love"my mom hugged my dad.

Here it's yours,my dad handed the flower to my mom and then the small gift."Thanks"my mom immediately opened the rapped gift and behold it was a necklace with her name written on it."Ahhnnn,thanks Hun"my mom said putting on the necklace on her neck.

"Mom it's lovely"I told her."yeah momma it's nice"Dan agreed.My mom gave my Dad a kiss.

"Okay okay time for dinner"I said leading them to the dinning where the pizza was and brought out the cold orange juice out from the fridge.I sat down beside Dan.
After dinner,I grabbed my twin brother hand and dragged him upstairs to his room so we could gist and talk on things.

"So tell me,how was life in France?"I asked curiously.

"Well it was good,the people there are very friendly,even with the way they greet"Dan said with a memorable face.

"Well I guess as much, besides I missed you Soo much,I hope you bought me something from there?"I said with an excited tone.

"Ohhh yeah,I just remembered"He reached up to his trousers and brought out a little box"here it's yours...."

I opened the box,lo and behold I saw a very cute hand chain.

"Ohhhhh!Gee,wow,this is so cute"I reached up to give him a hug"I love you bro...."

"I love you more"he said.He helped me buckle the hand chain and then we started chatting more.

Did this just happened,Dan is so caring to me,besides I know some brothers are really caring......

Hi everyone truly bro can be caring atimes,their just like a blessing to sisters.My beloved ones don't forget to vote and comment.Its my pleasure your enjoying reading this,I just love u all.I LOVE YOU from Temiashmar.

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