22-Amelia's back

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Daniella Smith.

After five days.

"Phoebe I'm sad..."I looked down.

"Why are you sad?"she asked,arranging her scattered bed.

"I haven't heard from Max since the second of January,and now I'm beginning to miss him more than ever."I sat down on the bed that Phoebe just arranged.

"Don't worry,you will see him in school tomorrow since we are resuming tomorrow."She said while brushing her black silky hair.

"I pray so....."

"Okay,I need to leave now,I have a date with your brother.You feel at home,I'll meet you around 5:00pm."Phoebe said putting on her pink lipstick.

I looked at the clock and it was just 11:00am and I cannot stay here alone for 6 good hours."Take care,I'll leave soon cause I got to get ready for school tomorrow."I said while grabbing the pillow.

"Okay,as you wish,bye."she left hurriedly.

I looked around the room and it seems like I was single even though I was in a relationship."Hmmm my life...."I took my phone and it beeped at that very moment.I checked the message and it was James.

Hey,I've been trying your number.
What's wrong?
I've not seen you for the past
Four days now?
I hope your okay?
I'll see you tomorrow.

I checked the message one more time, trying not to believe the picture I saw last time,I just can't believe it,I'll need to talk to my parents immediately when they get back from the business trip.

Seeing him tomorrow means I'll have to tell him my reason for disappearing.

I stood up looking at myself in the mirror."let me try calling Max,maybe I'll also know if his coming to school tomorrow."I dialed Max's number but it was switched off"arghhh!I just hate it when I can't reach him."I said while talking to myself in the mirror."Do you know what? Ella!I can punch you right now for loving Max,can you see what you get in return?"I stared at myself in the mirror until the door behind me opened.

"Hahh!Mrs Zuri,you scared me to death."I exclaimed.

"Sorry dear,I just came back from the market and I decided to check on you since Phoebe informed me that you were home."She smiled at me with an innocent look.

"Oww okay it's alright,I was just not expecting anyone at home before so that's why I was frightened."I started arranging the bed."I will be going home now Mrs Zuri please inform Phoebe when she's back."she nodded.

"Okay my dear,take care of yourself."

"Ok ma'am."I nodded back.

It's Monday already and I haven't seen James nor John, Austin,Max, Amelia and even Phoebe."Gosh what's going on,I need to do something."before I could leave for next class,I felt a hand on my shoulder stopped me from walking."Daniella?"I heard a familiar voice.I turned back to see the person."Oww hey?How are you?"

"What made you so scared?Is anything wrong?"James asked with a complacent look.

"Emmm no no,I looked down trying not to look into his eyes.I know it's hard to believe but let me firstly confront my parents today since they will arrive this night.

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