12-True life.

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"Where do you think you're going to nemises?"he glared furiously,I think he didn't recognize me through the make up that was on me.

"Dan.....?"I said in a low tone.

"Ahnn,wha..t...what brought you here Ella?"

"Dan what's going on?"I asked confused without answering his earlier question.

"Wait a minute,do you two know each other?"Max asked surprisingly.

"Yes I mean his my br......"

"Hey we are just relatives and hey,jeez Ella don't tell me your dating this jerk?"

Why did Dan shut me up before saying we were twins?That's unfair.

"No why will I?"Max answered."I can't have any feelings for your cousin,besides she's not my type."

"And so are you."I replied.

"Ella leave right now!"Dan insisted.

"Why?"I asked

"Because you don't belong here,Max and I need to sort out things tonight and we don't need girls like you around,so just do me this favour and LEAVE!"

In an angry manner I replied hanging my left hand up in the air like as if I meant whatever and truly I meant it."okay okay I'm leaving."

As I was about leaving,I spotted Phoebe"thank Goodness"as I was on my way some new gangs came and chaos began again, before I could figure out what's wrong,Max grabbed me once more and he pulled me to his car which was packed quite far from the party center.

"Where are you taking me?"I asked curiously.

"Just get in,if they know your Dan relative or even from middle high school they would want to take the opportunity and harm you to get us."

I didn't complain but just sat down  queitly in the car.On our way,it's been up to 40mins now and Max was still driving without even explaining all this mess.

"Hey can I know where we are going? AT LEAST!"

"Somewhere safe enough"he raised one of his eyebrows in annoyance.

I glanced at Max and saw his grey eyes glued on the road.It seems cool to be with an hot guy alone and I should admit I also feel safe with him even though it happens to be my brother Enemies.

"How did you know Dan?"I asked.

"School parties"his eyes still glued on the road.

"What made you two enemies?"I asked

"Its a long story."

"Why are the other gang wanting to fight you?"

"Long story.All I can tell you is that the other gang are from Den sar high school.

"Who are you?"

Max then parked and then looked at me.

"Hey girl enough with the questions."

"Okay"I tried to swallow my saliva so I wouldn't choke,but it seems like my lungs were blocked (exaggerating).

After about 8mins of silence again, Max finally parked his car.And we both came out from the car.In the dark night,Max lead me to a bungalow house,it seems cool,but also looks like a house which has not been used for months.

Max unlocked the door and switched on the lights.

"Is this your house?"

"Nope,it's one of my parents house,actually,this is one of the smallest."he winked.

It was midnight already and I was  feeling the cool breeze which came in from the window.

"Are you cold?Let me get you a blanket."he suggested.

"Thanks"I grabbed it and covered myself but the cold didn't go just like that I needed more blankets.

"Take have it,sorry I don't have ladies wear,or would you like wearing my shirt as well?"Max handed over one of his black jacket.Immediately he gave me I gave him an agreeable look And  I wore it on instantly,his perfume smelled all over me because of his jacket and I loved it.

"Okay let me take you to where you would sleep tonight."He clapped to get my attention from the TV.

I followed while my heels weren't on.

"You may sleep now."he said with a boring look.

"Wait Max where are you gonna sleep?"

"In my room,why asking?"

"Just didn't want you to sleep on the ground in the living room or something."

"Okay good night."he looked tired like sure he would because of every thing he must have done today.

"Thanks for today Max,you saved my life,I owe you one.

"Your welcome night night."

It was about 3am when I woke up to have some water cause I was thirsty and dehydrated.

"No!No!No!"I heard Max screaming,I went hurriedly to where he was sleeping.Max was just on his bed looking so worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing"he swallowed his saliva which anyone could have heard it.

"Are you sure?"




"Then explain what just happened?"I insisted.

"Just a weird dream."Max tried avoiding my eyes.

"Was it a weird dream or a bad dream?"

"I guess your right."he admitted.

"What was it all about?"

"Don't bother,you won't want to know."

"Okay"I'll have to leave now."

"NO!I mean stay a little."

"Sure."I said without thinking and sat down on his bed while he puts his head on my laps.I felt like OMG,when he laid on my laps,it was like I was the luckiest girl tonight.

"Thanks."he closed his eyes.

"No problem."I said smiling.what would have happened,I mean bad guys don't get scared easily then why would a dream make him scared.

When I looked at him,he was deep asleep,I then wondered what would have happened after I left the party,how would have the chaos die down, during that process I went in a deep sleep.

Merry Christmas everyone,may we continue to see many more Christmas IJN Amen.Love you all,the picture in this chapter is a picture of Max.Sorry this chapter was a little bit late but I was kinda busy,and also I forgot to save my work so I had to write this chapter twice,it kinda annoyed me though.

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