13-Morning show.

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When I woke up on Saturday morning,I found myself on Max's bed laying beside him,I opened my eyes wide to see whether I was imagining,no I wasn't,I then pinched myself to see whether it was a dream or not,it was then I realized it was reality,Max was still sleeping and he looked cute,I just liked everything about him.As I was about standing from the bed,Max grabbed my right hand back to the bed.

"Ahh!You scared the hell out of me."

"Where you scared?"he smiled surprisingly.

"Of course yes,how would a sleeping thing hold me back,it not that you were conscious while sleeping,so?Besides where you awake all this while?"

"Yes,I was and I loved the way you were sleeping but when I saw that you were about waking up,I had to pretend I was sleeping so you won't think I'm weird looking at a princess early in the morning"

"Whattt?Did you just call me princess?"

"Yes you are,infact your an Angel"

"Stop that joke Max, seriously it's expensive"I said blushing.

"I'm not jo......"before Max could finish his sentence, someone knocked the door.

"I'm coming let me go check who the person is."Max said as he was heading to the door.

As he opened the door,a lady came in.

"Hey you didn't tell me you were back?"she said while hugging him and about kissing him when Max cleared his throat.

Wait,is that Max girlfriend?Jeez I'm in trouble,what will be her reaction when she hears I slept with her boyfriend yesterday?besides it's all Max's fault,he was the one that brought me here.

"Hey who the hell are you?"her attention came to me.

"Well...emmmm... I'm Max's....."

"She's my girlfriend"Max said while coming closer to me and kissed me on the cheek"Just act and pretend your my girlfriend please..."he whispered in my ear.

"No it's impossible,Since when?"she said with a look.

"Since this month."Max answered.

"Max,I said I'm sorry,just come back to me and I'll make it up to you,I promise."

"Sarah sorry you need to leave as you can see I'm having some moment with my girlfriend so please we need some privacy."Max gave her an apology look.

"Is that so?Emmm yes and as for you...."she pointed at me"you will have to bear the consequences of snatching my boyfriend,I'm coming back for you dont think you can use your beauty  to influence Max,Am I clear?"

I nooded innocently.My tongue got dry as she went towards the door.

"You dare not!"Max replied while shutting the door.He looked back at me"Sorry for what she did."

"Why did you have to lie Max?"

"I'm sorry I just needed her out of my life."

"Can I know why?"

"I think I should'nt hide this from you.
She backstabbed me,she happened to be the spy of *Silent killer's Cult*they were the people that created  chaos for your brother and I."

That was when I remembered I would have to ask my brother alot of questions when next I meet him.

"She pretended to love me but it was a lie, she was an imposter,she told me her name was Rose,she had no parents,so I had to make her stay with me,after getting all information about me,she went ahead to tell the *Silent killer's leader*to come and destroy everything,They killed my Mom and Two of my friends just in order to harm me and get me,after the incidence my Dad had to stay alone,it really hurt me and now because of the hatred I had for them I had to have my own cult members,so that they won't hurt anyone else.I loved her so much,she was my first love,I never loved anyone like that,but she just left me all alone and now she claims to love me for real this time."he inhaled his breath

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