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Max's POV

It's been two weeks now that I've been with this slut,I just can't handle this,every single day Fiona never lets me be even when I'm frank with her.

Sincerely speaking I wish I never met her,I wish she never even existed even for a moment,it's like I'm in bondage,I can't be free,I can't express myself, my Dad always pestered my life,he bugs me like it's more than to live a justified life.

I really don't know what to do or what to say about my life,it's like there's an hole in my heart that needs to be amended.My Step Mom has no say when it comes to my Dad making a sudden decision,so now I'm stock in this drama.

"Hey Max....you have a missed call."Fiona notified me through the bathroom door.

"Oh okay,Just leave my phone where it was,when I'm through I'll call the person back."I said while I was gelling my wet hair in the bathroom.

"Max we will soon get married,just open the door,why are we behaving like strangers?"Fiona asked with a low guttural sound uttered in frustration.

"Argh!F.i.o.n.a can't you let me be for once,fine,even if i am married to you,please can't your husband have some privacy or peace of mind?Huh?tell me,please I beg you just tell me?"I said in frustration opening the bathroom door,using my hands to demonstrate my anger and looking straight into Fiona's eyes,I could just loose my mind now,but I held my temper.

Tears started coming down from Fiona's eyes,I couldn't bear the fact that she was crying because I know if she cries it may cause fight with my Dad and her Dad,Terence.So I just had to play my part.After looking for like one minute away from her,I then looked back at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, making her to calm down.

"I'm sorry Fiona.I just had this bad headache......."I lied....."and my reason for making us to feel single is because I don't make love to girls under 19......"I lied again........"And A-and you know your my sunshine,so I don't wanna spoil you yet since your my one and only girl I have now."Once again I lied........lied in a massive way.

"Ohh is that the reason?Who said I didn't want you huh?Do you think 18years old is a joke besides your also 18,so how do you sleep with other girls huh?"She wiped her tears."So what are you trying to say now?"she used two of her back fingers to tap her forehead to calm her anger,it seems her temperature was getting high at that moment."You have no excuse....."She looked at me like a wild animal ready to devour me.

I gave her a crocked smile,a smile that can make a small child cry just at the fact that the smile was not genuine but fake.

"You know what Fiona?"I held her both shoulders, making her to stay still."You should think twice before talking to your future husband.Unless you want a shaky marriage, hope your getting me? It's like your disrespecting me and I don't like that."I looked into her eyes and hissed.Shit!Why did I say future.Damn.

"Emmm sorry love,I didn't know that upsets you."Fiona said in a low tone.

Now the moment was awkward,me touching her shoulder,we having nothing else to say, Shit!When will this drama ends.This was really unnecessary,so I removed my hands from her shoulder and cleared my throat.

"Erm,are you set?Let's leave now,I'll need to firstly go to my father,so I'll give you 20mins to prepare before I arrive."I said then once again cleared my throat and left instantly to meet my Father.

"By the way handsome,you look gorgeous today."I looked at Fiona in discomfort and didn't bother to say anything the left.

I really don't like going back to my room but what can I do?I just have to keep on playing along.As I opened the door to my room,I saw Fiona standing at the mirror side wearing her jumper-sleeve on top of her purple bra.The fact that I haven't seen a girl half naked for the past one month now makes me go crazy.Fiona then noticed my presence"Max your....."

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