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Max's  POV.

I stood there just staring at Ella,I wish I said my mind earlier,I sat down beside the bed she laid on and held her right hand to kiss it."Ella dear,you have filled my heart with so much love from the first day I met you,I know you may not have the same feelings towards me,but I hope you consider me a good person,I just love you so much and I need you back in my life."I said while crying."please don't ever something like what you just did today ever again."

"Ahnn.....I love you too and I will never leave you."I heard Ella saying it.She wiped off my tears, showing me that I shouldn't cry.

"W-wait how did you..."I stammered.

"When you came in,I had to pretend I was still unconscious to see what you will do next and besides just take this as a revenge,you did this to me earlier remember?That morning......."Ella smiled.Wpw she's gorgeous.

"Hmm I guess we are now equal."I said taking in a deep breath."but let me not catch you...."I said while my hand was on her arm that was shut checking it out.

"Ohh my will you stop crying."I heard Ella say.

"I won't cry anymore."I wiped my tears."I'm sorry."that's when John came in.

"Ohh Ella get well soon."he said while giving me a bottle of water to drink.

"Thanks John."Ella smiled weakly.

"Yeah."John sat near me."Ella do you care for your food now?"he asked.

"No thank you."Ella replied then John nodded and started eating his food.

Daniella's POV.

It was 8:00pm and I was just dismissed from the hospital 30minutes ago and now I'm in the car with John and Max.

Throughout the journey,John has not kept quiet even for a minute,he kept on talking about football and as for me I got pissed off because I hated football with passion,I think Max noticed my reaction so he had to change the topic on something much better,but still John had alot to talk on that topic that it didn't change a thing.

Max had to take John home,so he parked at a nearby estate where John lives.

"Thanks bro....Ella take good care of yourself."John came out of the car and then waved at us and we did the same.

"Sure."I said while Max was nodding his head already happy that his done talking.

After some minutes of silence,the air that we were breathing seemed awkward."Max where are you taking me to?"I broke the awkward moment.

"To a convenient place,take.."Max handed me my phone."text your parents that your on an excursion so your not able to come home tonight,or something else,just make up a thing so your mom won't see you in this condition."Max advised me.

So Max was with my phone all the time,I mean fine I was shut but I didn't expect him to have my phone.Anyways,I took the phone from Max and dialed my mom's number.

Luckily for me she believed every word I said.

On phone call......
"Okay mommy,I'll keep you in touch bye."I hung up the call.

                 *********************We reached a duplex house,the colour was brown,I haven't seen this house before,it seems like Max parents are extremely rich this is the third house I'm knowing about

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We reached a duplex house,the colour was brown,I haven't seen this house before,it seems like Max parents are extremely rich this is the third house I'm knowing about.

"Is this one of your parents house too?"I asked.

"Yes,this is one of their house,but no one stays here for now."Max said while unlocking the entrance door.

"You may go in."Max stretched his hands towards the lobby which leads to the living room,the lobby was extremely huge.

I entered into the living room and sat down on the couch,Max did the same and switched on the AC.I looked at the living room and it looks times two bigger than the lobby.

"Aren't you sleepy?"Max asked.

"No,not at all."I said weirdly.

"But I'm a little bit sleepy."Max jokingly said.

"Then go sleep."I suggested.

"No I can't,what if you run away and leave me all alone?You now I can't take the risk."he turned towards my direction and adjusted his sitting position.

"No I won't."I smacked him on his shoulder.

"Then let's go to the room,I'm feeling uncomfortable".He gave me a pert look.

"And if I don't?What will you do?"I came closer to him looking straight into his eyes.

After 1min of staring,he managed to say something."Then we will sin tonight on the sofa."that reminded me of a song that a Nigerian musician sang,His artist name is kiss Daniel.

"Okay,give me a clue on how you'll do that,small boy!"I mocked him,oh I mocked him,that's bad.

The next thing that happened was that he laid me on the sofa and went on top of me.I could feel his tarse on me,goodness!Will this go on well?I mean I may suffocate from his hotness anytime from now.I managed to give him a daring eyes like I meant.....is this what you've got?.......Max then came closer to me,our lips were 1cm close,he stared at my lips,and the next thing I felt was his soft lips on mine,he went ahead by kissing me softly so we could adjust with the smooching.

I also gave in easily and now our tongues were coincide with one another,I felt great,I also knew Max was enjoying it.

We were still kissing when I felt his hands on my breast,"ahnn".I gave in a sound and Max understood my reaction,he knew I liked how he was smushing my boobs,it felt good.we were still kissing when he carried me from the sofa to the floor, trying to change position.

"Max,take me to the room,I'm ready to go in."I said smiling.

"Yay....you finally accepted."Max rejoiced.

He carried me like a bride upstairs to the room.........

Hey everyone, how would you like the next chapter to be like?You can comment and tell me and don't forget to vote.Thanks alot.This chapter's pictures are pictures of Daniella and Max.

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