40.Travel back.

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It was already morning,when I woke up and realized that everywhere was a mess,the party of last night could make us clean for three days.I hissed queitly looked at my side and saw Daniella sleeping innocently with her left hand on her forehead.I smiled at her while covering her body because of the way she was exposed,I decided to put her gown on the bed where she would probably and eventually get to see it when she wakes up.

I went downstairs when I noticed everyone was still asleep,I looked at the time and it was 8 in the morning.I smiled lightly and walked to the fridge, opened the fridge and got some processed milk then sat at the kitchen counter and opened the milk.

I drank the milk quietly until I noticed someone was coming down from the stairs I looked back to see Austin.

"Fuck dude why did you have to walk in that way?"I hissed.

"Sorry dude,I didn't know someone was awake that's why I had to walk in that way so that I won't wake anyone.I just came down to get water for myself I'm still going upstairs."he explained.

"Ok bro."I gave him space to pass then Austin opened a written paper that  was on the  table then he read it.

"Bro Daniel's friend went for shopping to get something for breakfast."he took the water  from thd frudge as he spoke."mmm.ok."I smiled and then my phone rang.

Austin's POV

I saw Max excusing himself to get his phone while I open the fridge to get myself some water.

When I went to the living room Max conversation on the phone became so tensed.I looked at him and gave him a questioning look but he changed his direction away from me and turned his back on me.

I stood to give him a questioning look one more time and this time he gave me a sign to hold on and I did as I was instructed sitting at the hedge of the coach and waiting for him to end the call.

After all the shouting, arguing and abusing he finally finished trying to calm himself down with a loud breath a waited for a minute then I asked....

"Max what's up?"

"Dude I'll have to leave now Fiona is waiting for me at the nearby mall,we are traveling today out of town and the preparation of the wedding is in a week so Fiona and I would have to go for shopping and I'm damn angry with this surprising news."Max hissed and hit the wall with his fist.

I stood there confused and sad before I could say a word Amelia,John and sam came downstairs together and it seemed they noticed the mood we were so he explained to them as well,I noticed John crying already saying that despite everything he won't be able to live without him.

"I'm leaving now without anything just my phone please explain to everyone."Max hugged everyone with tears pilling up already.

"Wait!Max what about Ella?"Amelia questioned with a sad tone.

Max then looked at the stairs leading upstairs."if I should go and tell her everything,I won't be able to look into her eyes and see her cry it seems its going to be the last day I see all of you.Please just tell her I went for a business trip with my dad and try to forget about me So she won't have to remember me that much and please don't come for my wedding."Max removed his chain he had since childhood with tears rolling down his eyes and gave it to Sam.

This was the first time I saw Max soo sad."Sam it seems Amelia isn't ready to be understanding like you, please keep this with you and keep it till the day I get married and give it to Daniella she may need it."he looked at us with an unhappy look then left and closed the door behind him.

Amelia and john sat down and started crying I wanted to cry to but one of us should be brave enough to make others understand.Sam sat down beside them even though she just met Max not up to a week she felt so sad seeing what just happened.

Before I could sit and try to make the situation die down the others came downstairs.

"Good... morning...."Daniella asked with a worried look when she saw all of us crying.

"What's up dude?What's going on?"James asked.

Nobody answered including me I mean I don't even know how I'll have to bring up what happened especially when Max said we shouldn't tell Ella.

"Something is fishy."Daniel looked at all of us as Daniella,James,Cindy,Phoebe and Daniel sat on the couch.

"Emmm no-not-nothing happened."I managed to lie.

"What do you mean by nothing happened I mean look at everyone,why is Amelia,John and sam all covered in tears?"Phoebe questioned further.

John then stared at her for a minute then...."It has happened."

"What has happened?"James raised an eyebrow while Daniella quickly returned the bottle of water that she drank back in the fridge and came across sat down beside Daniel.

"The love is about to get destroyed."Amelia added.

"Sorry guys but you are really confusing us."Daniel looked furious.

"Romeo has left Juliet for ....."John added but Sam interfered in what he said."It's a program we normally watch."Sam frowned."we just watched the end of the season this morning and we all felt bad that Romeo left."Then we all nodded.

Daniella's POV

It all looked like a lie when Sam explained but I couldn't say that it's a lie before confirming everything.When I looked at John and Amelia face it looked like more than a series film.

"Emmm where is Max?"James asked looking around with his eyes.

"He went out."Sam quickly spoke I looked at John, Austin and Amelia's face again they wept even more.

"Is this not enough."Cindy looked irritated."Your tears has showered you guys already,stop crying on just a film it's not the end of the world."Cindy hissed it seems crying was one of the things she didn't like."I kept quiet all along doesn't mean u like it so please."she begged.

I looked at everyone before concluding "emmm guys it's morning already I'll get a shower and leave.I won't want my parents to be worried.

"I added and everyone  likewise agreed then Austin told  us about the letter he saw and stood up.Then as we were about going upstairs the celebrant came in.

"Hey guys sorry I had to leave early.I had to get breakfast."we all smiled, nodded in understanding and then left.

Max's POV

It was already 12 when we both saw eachother then she smiled at me while I was coming towards her she  gave me the keys for me to drive,I didn't bother talking to her,I just grabbed the keys and went to the drivers side then sat and waited for her to enter the car.

Then the thought of Daniella came into my mind as I start the car.I started to feel week but I just have to travel and do what I'm supposed to do.

Hey!How's everyone?Just decided to finish this chapter this morning.Dont forget to vote,like comment and share it means alot to me. Thanks

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