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Chapter 7 picture was the picture of Amelia white.

It's Wednesday and I can't believe how Tuesday went with such a hard time I had Government assignment that includes printing,I would have to print all Nigerian president rulers since Democracy and a picture of each.why must it be Nigerian presidents?why can't it just be an assignment that is related to USA or even Chicago at least each government students will know alot about Chicago,because Mrs Linda is kinda wild she like knowing about countries so it's hard complaining when its something related to this.Therefore I have no option but God I have till next week? WHY??


It's History time and now I'm just on my desk half dosing and half awake,why?Cause history class is full of boring stories,but I'll have to wait for a whole 30mins."You can do it Daniella,You can do it."my inner mind told me,so I forced myself to open my god damn eyes and concentrate.

Mrs Elizabeth stood up from the sit she was sitting on and looked up at the class,well Mrs Elizabeth is kind of an old woman she was in her earlier fifties,she wears skirt at all time and with her eyeglass on,it made her look strict.She opened her mouth to speak.

"Good morning Class"."Good morning ma'am we all responded with a lot of respect."Now that we have talked last week on the country*Libya*She raised her hands capitalizing her two fingers before the thumb(which is called the index fingers)indicating the sign of hyphen."This week we shall talk and know more of the country Lebanon,both culture values and lifestyle,I mean the way of life."She explained sitting down quietly,everyone around seems to be happy.What would have happened why everyone is happy.I removed that thought from my head.

The thought of knowing things about Lebanon made me happy, it seems History class is a little bit fun,I picked my Infinix phone trying to dodge my phone so she won't catch me,After typing my password on my phone,I browsed on Lebanon,it gave me alot of information about Lebanon.It seems to be a good country.

"Would!So Lebanon is like an Arabian country?"I whispered to my self, standing up and picking my backpack cause History class just finished and alot of students were already dismissed from class.

I was walking on the hallway side when I noticed someone was following me,his footstep became nearer,I stoped to check my back but it seems there was no one or maybe the person noticed me on time that I was about checking my back so he eventually hid before I turned back.

I went on walking bit faster than before, Unfortunately I was dragged into a store and before I could see the person's face,he used an handkerchief to block my nose and now I couldn't breathe,I felt dizzy,like I was suffocating,the next thing I did was to faint.

I woke up and saw myself in an empty room,it didn't look like school anymore,tears where already piling up in my eyes."I have been kidnapped!"I said it loud.how come?I looked at myself and I saw both my legs and hands has been tied up with a rope."ohh damn no!"I started shouting out for help."Someone help please.... someone please help me!"I kept on shouting for help,but it seems no one is around the room,besides it was empty,I don't think I have an enemy,who could the kidnapper be?who have I offended?

I couldn't hold it anymore,tears started falling from my eyes to my cheeks,this was my first time being kidnapped"please help me......"I said again crying the more.I felt it's over,no,I have to do something,I scanned myself to check if my phone was in any of my pockets but no it wasn't.

Owww no,now I remembered I had kept my phone in my locker the last time I went to my locker,that was after History Class.How did this happen,I'm really a phone lover so why did I keep my phone behind and besides what was the time?My butt really hurts its like as if I have been sitting down for so long.The last time I saw the time,it was around 10:30am now only God knows the time.

After some hours being alone,the door of the room opened,two guys came in and their face were covered with Masks,one had blue eyes the other had brownish eyes,they were tall and had built muscles."Well well well,look what we have here."One of the guy's said while clapping."I really see,Ahnn how adorable,she is beautiful,but unfortunately your a little bit naughty."The other guy said with a wicked Smile on his face.

They came closer and the lighter guy which was the first guy that spoke came closer touching my skin,I felt irritated but I kept still.He touched my hair and the next thing was he dragged my dark hair and I screamed in pain "Ouchhh bastard."I said annoyed cause it really hurts.

"Chris stop that,don't forget our boss said we should not touch or harm her at all unless we wanna get into trouble."The other guy said."Don't tell her anything okay,Maleek."Chris gave him that cute look and Maleek just nodded.

I was still feeling the pain in my head as in it was surely gonna be headache,I'm sure of that,Chris and Maleek were busy with their phone until I broke the silence after 25mins,"Sorry guys I will need to drink some water".

"Sorry you can't cause water is scarce here."Maleek said.

"Please I'm an ulser patient."I said showing a painful look.

"Really?"he said with an angry tone.

"Yes..."I nodded.

"Why must you be a pain in the ass,your such an unlucky girl."Chris grumbled.

Chris was walking towards the door when he turned back"Hey dude,make sure she doesn't escape,okay?"

"Sure."He left and closed the door behind him.

"Well it seems me and you are alone,Your hot you know."Maleek smiled like he was flirting.

"Owww dear I'm kinda hungry."I said playing on him.

"Sorry sweetie,to get food here is really hard,I can't."

"Ohh okay."I nodded.

I tried every possible way to make him leave to get me things so I could fool him and escape but I couldn't get him,I guess he was smart.

After sometime,Chris came back with a bottle of water."Take have it."he threw it on me.

"Thanks alot."


"Emmm please,what says the time?"I asked.

"It's 3:45pm."said Maleek.

"Okay."l nodded.NOOO I can't believe it 3:45pm that means it remains two hour for school to end,and now my parents would be worried if I didn't come today even though I wasn't ready to come home I would have messaged my mom so she could be at rest.who would have put me into this condition?

"Oh emm okay,can you now tell me who your boss is?"I asked tensed.

"Darling you will soon know."Maleek smiled,his blue eyes shining.

"When?"I asked.

"Soon!"Chris ignored my tensed face.

After three minutes,the entrance door opened and lo the boss came in.

"IT'S YOU!!!!!"I shouted,my eyes widened and I opened my eyes in surprise.

Hey friends,how did you enjoy this chapter,I knew you would be wondering who would have be the person that kidnapped Daniella?who do you think would have been her enemy.You can comment/message and tell me who you think would have been her enemy,your message can help and besides you may be right.And hey don't forget to keep on encouraging me okay my beloved.Thanks.

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