38-Game time

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Max and I

Daniel and Phoebe

John and Amelia

James with Cindy

Austin with Sam (Daniel's best friend.)

Edward with Sarah(unknown character.)

And so on

We started the game,the bottled spun to Cindy.

"Well Cindy you are the first,pick a paper in the box and let's see what's yours."Austin handed her the box.

Cindy took the box and closed her eyes in excitement,she picked a paper from it and opened it.

After she opened it,she smiled and looked at James who just looked so innocent.

"James I'm to go outside and scream how much I love you."she showed us what was written in the paper then threw the sheet if paper in the nearby bin.

James then gave her a go ahead.

"Let's go Cindy make sure you scream loud enough that we all hear you."I stood and gave her a hand to help her stand then we both went outside.

"Are you ready Cindy."I asked her.Cindy was 18years.

"Yes I am."she looked up in the sky and shouted out loud.

"I love you James Smith,I love you."she then looked at me and giggled.

"Nice job I'm sure they heard you from inside and both outside."I winked at her and followed her in.

"Weldone Cindy."Austin gave her a funny look.

Cindy blushed."wait James,tell her back you love her."Austin suggested.

"Okay if that's what you guys want,Cindy I love you."James looked at Cindy with love I almost thought they were already dating.

"Well,well that's okay.Next...."John said and he spun the bottle,when the bottle stopped it was on Daniel's side.

So Daniel picked a paper and opened it."Well I guess I'll have to just do it."Daniel said while looking at the paper.

"What's it? What's it?"Amelia said anxiously.

"Well,I'm to dance with my partner,titled PERFECT by Ed Sheeran for a min."Daniel looked at Phoebe with a wink.

"Now begin."John played the music PERFECT by ED SHEERAN.

While Phoebe and Daniel danced all the way long,the love between them showed each time they smiled,Phoebe blushed several times but it was worth it,it looked like a perfect ball dance especially with the gown she wore.

"Good Job."John paused the song,and everyone seemed upset when it was time up especially me,I really wanted them to dance longer.

"Next....."I said while giving a thumbs up to Phoebe.

The bottle spinned and stopped at Austin.Austin looked surprised,he picked a paper and opened it.

"I am to go carry something from the fridge and feed my partner with love and respect."Austin looked surprised once more.

"Ok bro,there's fruit salad in the fridge,go get it and feed your partner,we are waiting."Edward said.

So Austin went to the fridge and brought the salad,came back to where we were and took Sam to the nearby couch where he was sitted and started feeding her then pecked her on her check when he was through.

"I'm done."Austin gave Sam a smile.

Sam and Austin looked at each other for about 30seconds before they regained themselves.

"Next."Sam said with a smile.

"I can see love is in the air."John said.

The bottle stopped at Max,Max opened the paper he picked and ohh my Gosh my heart could not stop pounding,what could have his dare been that he kept on reading it to himself.

"I'm to act like as if we are married and the wife is pregnant while the husband just came back from work,how will the wife welcome the husband and the husband reaction to his pregnant wife.Hiw will it be?"Max explained.

"Okay okay begin."Cindy chuckled.

We both stood and looked at eachother not knowing how to begin.

"Daniella get the pillow behind you and put it under your shirt and then go to the door side while your so called husband Max will go out and knock and then you can begin the acting."Amelia brought the idea.

"Yeah that's it."John agreed.

"Dude get your suitcase and tie and let's see you two performance."James gave him his tie and john gave him a box which represent a suitcase.

"Now start your rule,ready..... Action."Austin raised his hand and we began.

Knock,knock.I went to the door and opened it,Max came in and kissed me.

"You are welcome dear."I said with a tired look.

"Ohh darling,how have you been,I hope baby didn't give you much stress?"

"Not when you are with me."I said with a sexy look.

"You bet."he winked at me.

"Food is ready,go and change,I'm waiting in the dinning."I said with a lovely look.

"Why don't you dress me."Max gave me a kiss.

And boom we didn't know when he carried me and we started kissing till...

"Hey!! Enough enough,don't do things like that when we are all looking."Danie stopped us.

Gee Max and I felt so embarrassed.

"It happens."Austin winked at us.

"Sorry guys....she's just so seductive."Max smiled and we both sat.I spinned the bottle and it finally stopped at Amelia.

"Hmmm I'm to twerk for my partner and seduce him."Amelia quickly stood and went to John and john played Anaconda by Nicki Minaj.

Amelia went seductively and started twerking on John until John grabbed her.

"Hey..."Edward stood and went to where they were and stood there watching the show.

"Enough!"Edward shouted and Amelia stood up with fear.

"What's wrong?"Amelia questioned us.

"Well,don't forget there are guys here,you can't just be doing this without the other guys getting moved."James explained.

"And don't forget we girls might start feeling jealous when we see you are perfect in twerking."Cindy added with a giggle.

"So you guys can continue this next time when alone okay."Daniel suggested while standing to get a drink.

Amelia and john looked really in the mood but unfortunately we stopped them and then....

"Let's continue."Cindy cut the moment.

Hey,how are you all?,it's been long right? actually I've been busy with school and everything but I will never forget to complete this story okay.
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