Sangroy talks

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"Hey, siri call boyfriend Sangroy"
"Calling Sangroy."

"Hey Sangroy, (laughing) how are you doing this fine night?"
"Ouch, not sounding too good then huh. Alright though i'm about to go deep so listen to my voice and you can fall asleep for tomorrow."
"Alright, let me get into bed (sounds of ruffling sheets and bed shifting)"
"I like running from a lot of things. The first time i liked you i think i saw you, cooled my jets, and then held a conversation for a while. The moment you held like a real eye contact thing with me i think was when i tripped while walking and you had to catch me."
"But you tripped too so we both fell"
"I'm telling you it was too dark for me to see where the ground was!"
  "Shhhh be quiet dork. It was funny because everyone laughed it off and we had a great time...that day took my mind off a lot of things."
  "Six months ago right?"
   "Yeah, we met six months ago and started dating two months in.
Although now, my thoughts have come back."
  "Because of everything that's happened. Even before that too. I've been more tired since I started going to school now, and I don't know why.
  It's weird to me because I don't cry. Technically i'm not in pain. It's kind of like i'm tired of everything sometimes. I want it to all just fade away so i can rest easy and nicely. Sometimes i feel as if i'm nothing and sometimes it's that i'm not enough.
  You seem to have the greatest timing for when i start having those thoughts."
    "(Steady loud breathing)"
  "I'm not sure how you do it, but i'm glad you are. I'm afraid that you won't be there when i need those texts. Text me and call me and send me memes Sangroy, because almighty knows i need you."

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